July 10, 2023
Testing Begins - Precautionary Boil Order Still in Effect for Forest Lake and Hawthorn Woods/Glennshire Subdivisions
The precautionary boil order remains in effect for Lake County Public Works customers in the Forest Lake and the Hawthorn Woods/Glennshire subdivisions.
Aqua Illinois reported on Sunday that their system has returned to normal operating pressures. Lake County Public Works has collected bacteriological samples to verify the quality of the drinking water supply for the Forest Lake and Hawthorn Woods/Glennshire subdivisions. If the samples tested by our state-certified laboratory confirm that the water is free of coliform bacteria, then the boil order will be lifted for these areas. We expect to have the test results by Tuesday, July 11.
The Lake County Public Works Department thanks everyone for their patience. Water quality is always our top priority. While testing can take some time, it's critically important that we carefully conduct testing to ensure your water is safe to consume before lifting the precautionary boil order.
Aqua Illinois posted an update yesterday for residents and businesses that were impacted by this boil order outside of the Lake County Public Works water service area. Learn more by visiting their web page.
Precautionary Boil Order - Things to Know
A precautionary boil order was issued for this area because the water pressure dropped below 20 psi. When a boil order is issued, it's very important to take certain measures to protect you and your family from consuming water that could be potentially contaminated:
- Boil your water at least FIVE minutes before using it
- Utilize bottled or boiled water for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and food preparation
- The affected tap water may be used for bathing and/or showering
- The affected water may be used for household cleaning