April 11, 2022
Lake County Announces $90 Million in Projects for 2022 Construction Program
The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) today announced the 2022 construction program that includes $90 million for infrastructure projects to improve traffic congestion, increase safety, and reduce carbon emissions on Lake County's transportation system.
More than 35 transportation projects will be under construction in 2022, featuring intersection improvements, bridge and culvert replacements, bike path connections, and resurfacings.
"Improving infrastructure is one of our top strategic priorities and the Lake County Board is proud to be investing more than $500 million in transportation over the next six years," said Lake County Board Chair Sandy Hart. "Expect to see orange cones throughout the county soon as we work on roads, bridges, and bike paths during what will be a busy construction season."
This year's program features a combination of new projects that expand, modernize and preserve Lake County's transportation system. These include:
Gilmer Road at Midlothian Road Intersection Improvement
Reconstruction of the intersection of Gilmer and Midlothian Road in Hawthorn Woods. Improvements include additional through lanes, turning lanes, bike paths and sidewalks.
Hart Road at Flint Creek Bridge Replacement
Construction of a new bridge over Flint Creek, inclusive of pedestrian accommodations.
Deep Lake Road Resurfacing
Resurfacing of Deep Lake Road from IL 132 to IL 173 in Lake Villa, Lindenhurst and Antioch. Improvements include new pavement, creating paved bike-friendly road shoulders, and regrading ditch lines to improve drainage.
Hunt Club Road at Washington St. Intersection Improvement
Adding dual left turn lanes and a right turn lane on all legs of the intersection at Hunt Club Road and Washington St. in Gurnee. Extension of the bike path just east of the intersection will extend from Washington St. to the ComEd bike path just south of Dada Dr.
*See our 2022 projects at lakecountyil.gov/ConstructionProgram
Resurfacing a roadway typically takes about three months to complete and usually requires temporary lane closures and flaggers to direct traffic. Whenever possible, four-foot-wide bike-friendly paved shoulders are added during resurfacing projects. Preservation work planned in 2022 includes the following pavement resurfacing projects:
- 21st St - East of Delany Road
- Audrey Nixon Blvd. - Jackson St. to Sheridan Road
- Big Hollow Road - US 12 to McHenry County Line
- Gages Lake Road - US 45 to IL 21
- Hart Road - On and near new bridge over Flint Creek
- Hawley St. - IL 176 to Midlothian Road
- St Mary's Road - IL 176 to IL 60
- York House Road - Delany Road to IL 131
"In addition to the 48 lane miles that will be resurfaced in 2022, crews will be working on several projects that maintain and preserve our roads such as culvert replacements and bridge repairs," said Shane Schneider, LCDOT Director of Transportation. "Some of our larger projects from last year are carrying over in 2022 to be completed as the weather warms up."
"While this will be a busy year, we ask everyone to join us and commit to roadway safety especially through construction zones. Put down your phone and limit distractions so we can all get home at the end of the day."
Interactive Construction Map: Residents can use our interactive construction map to find the project they're interested in.
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