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For Immediate Release Date: June 3, 2020 News/Media Email: Media Phone: 847-377-2001 General Inquiries:
Waukegan COVID-19 Testing Site Moving to New Location
Lake County, Ill. — The State-run COVID-19 Community-Based Testing Site in Waukegan is closed Wednesday, June 3, 2020, and will reopen at a new location on Thursday, June 4, 2020.
The new site, located at 102 W. Water St., Waukegan, will be open 7 days a week from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., or until 750 test kits are completed for the day. The Illinois National Guard administers the tests, and results are provided by phone in 4-7 days. Testing is free and available regardless of immigration status. A phone number and name are required in order to receive testing results.
Who can get tested at the Community-Based Testing Site?
Anyone with symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell)
People in the following groups with or without symptoms:
- Individuals exposed to confirmed COVID-19 cases
- Individuals with compromised immune systems and/or chronic medical conditions
- Healthcare workers
- First responders
- Employees of correctional facilities
- Government employees
- Employees who support Critical Infrastructure (grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, gas stations, public utilities, factories, childcare and sanitation)
Know Before You Go
This is a free service and a doctor's referral is not needed. Patients will be asked to show 1) photo identification and 2) healthcare employee or first responder ID/badge, if applicable.
Patients utilizing drive-thru testing sites must be seated at a functioning window. Once you get in line at the site, you will not be permitted to exit your car. For the safety of the testing personnel, the site will not accommodate walk-up individuals.
Other testing options
Many healthcare providers in Lake County also have COVID-19 testing available. Please contact your provider or the facility to ask about testing criteria and appointment availability. Anyone without a healthcare provider or insurance can contact the Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center for an appointment at (847) 377-8800.
Changes to the Coronavirus Data Hub
For information on COVID-19 cases and deaths in Lake County, please visit the Coronavirus Data Hub,, which is updated once daily, Monday through Friday. Please note: the Health Department will no longer be updating the Data Hub on weekends.
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker extended the Disaster Proclamation and issued Executive Order 2020-38 titled "Restoring Illinois - Protecting Our Communities" effective Friday, May 29 through June 27, 2020. Under this new order, Phase 3 guidelines are in place, gatherings of 10 people or less are permitted for any reason, face coverings are still required in public, and many businesses are able to open with specific precautions to keep residents safe from COVID-19.
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), in partnership with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), has developed industry-specific guidance and toolkits to help businesses operate safely and responsibly. These documents are available at:
New guidance for places of worship is also available on the IDPH website:
Please visit Lake County's Coronavirus Page for more information, including:
- How to protect yourself
- What to do if you are sick
- Testing availability
- Interactive data hub
- How to get help
- How to help others
Please visit Lake County Health Department Modification Page for information on Health Department Service Modifications.
For a list of government closures, visit Lake County's Closure Page.
If you have general questions, please email Please note, the Health Department will not provide personal medical advice through this email address.
Additional resources
Anyone needing assistance finding food, shelter, rent or utility assistance, or other essential services, CALL 211 or TEXT your zip code to 898211 to speak with someone who can help 24/7. To receive general COVID-19 information via text message, text “COVID19” to 211211. For more information, visit
Illinois has launched Call4Calm, a free emotional support text line for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to COVID-19. To speak with a mental health professional, text “TALK” or “HABLAR” (for Spanish) to 552020.
For general state and national information, please call the Illinois State Hotline at 1-800-899-3931, or visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website at, or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at
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