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For Immediate Release Date: May 7, 2020 News/Media Email: Media Phone: 847-377-2001 General Inquiries:
Health Department Coronavirus Update
Lake County, Ill. — The Lake County Health Department is reporting 169 additional cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and four new deaths in Lake County since yesterday. This brings the total number of Lake County COVID-19 cases to 4,837 including 161 deaths (as of May 7, 2020, 1:15 p.m.).
The four new deaths are all among residents with underlying health conditions, a risk factor for severe illness from COVID-19, and include:
- One woman in her 30s
- One man in his 50s
- One man in his 60s
- One woman in her 80s
The Health Department is investigating 37 long-term care facilities in the county that have two or more positive cases. These 37 facilities have a combined total of 755 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 107 deaths.
On Wednesday, Governor J.B. Pritzker discussed publicly that Latino Illinoisans are testing positive for the novel coronavirus at a higher rate than other demographic groups in the state. The Lake County Health Department has noted a similar trend which shows that when accounting for the differences in age between populations, for every one white non-Hispanic person contracting COVID-19 in Lake County, four African American non-Hispanic and eight Hispanic residents are contracting the disease.
"Echoing our Governor’s remarks, we see how COVID-19 is highlighting health disparities in our county," said Lake County Health Department Executive Director Mark Pfister. "For this reason, the Lake County Health Department has been working with community leaders in our Latino and African American communities to develop strategies to further protect those who are disproportionately affected by this pandemic."
 The State of Illinois opened a drive-thru Community-Based Testing Site in Waukegan (2161 Northwestern Avenue, Waukegan.) on Sunday, May 3. The site is open 7 days a week from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. or until 500 test kits are completed for the day. The Illinois National Guard administers the tests, and results are provided by phone in 4-7 days. Testing is free, and available to anyone regardless of immigration status. A phone number and name are required in order to receive testing results. Photo IDs are useful in ensuring a smooth process, but are not required. No one will be turned away. Demand is high, so please expect long wait times.
The Health Department also provides COVID-19 testing by appointment at its Respiratory Illness Clinic at the North Chicago Health Center, located at 2215 14th St, North Chicago. Testing is currently available for symptomatic patients of the Community Health Center, and to Lake County residents who do not have a healthcare provider or insurance who would like to become a patient of the Community Health Center. Please call the Patient Access Center at (847) 377-8800 for an appointment.
Those wishing to sign up for the daily news release translated into Spanish can do so by visiting:
New Cases
(since last update)
New Deaths
(since last update)
Total Cases
Total Deaths
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-32 effective Friday, May 1 through May 29, 2020. This new order allows Illinoisans to leave their home for essential activities but otherwise requires them to stay at home or their place of residence to prevent spread of COVID-19. Individuals are required to wear a face covering in public places when they are unable to maintain a six-foot social distance, such as in stores. For more information, please visit
Please visit Lake County's Coronavirus Page for more information, including:
- How to protect yourself
- What to do if you are sick
- Testing availability
- Interactive data hub
- Sign up for the Health Department’s COVID-19 newsletter
- How to get help
- How to help others
Please visit Lake County Health Department Modification Page for information on Health Department Service Modifications.
For a list of government closures, visit Lake County's Closure Page.
If you have general questions, please email Public health officials will answer the top questions weekly. Please note, the Health Department will not provide personal medical advice through this email address.
Additional resources
Anyone needing assistance finding food, shelter, rent or utility assistance, or other essential services, CALL 211 or TEXT your zip code to 898211 to speak with someone who can help 24/7. To receive general COVID-19 information via text message, text “COVID19” to 211211. For more information, visit
Illinois has launched Call4Calm, a free emotional support text line for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to COVID-19. To speak with a mental health professional, text “TALK” or “HABLAR” (for Spanish) to 552020.
For general state and national information, please call the Illinois State Hotline at 1-800-899-3931, or visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website at, or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at
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