For Immediate Release Date: March 30, 2020 Media Email: COVIDmedia@lakecountyil.gov Media Phone: 847-377-2001
Health Department Coronavirus Update
Lake County, Ill. — The Lake County Health Department is reporting 31 new cases and two new deaths from the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Lake County since Saturday. This brings the total number of Lake County residents testing positive for the disease to 325 (as of March 30, 2020, 12:45 p.m.) and the total number of deaths to five.
The newly reported deaths consist of two men in their 60's. Both men had underlying health conditions.
The Lake County Health Department is monitoring clusters of cases at 10 long-term care facilities in the county. These 10 facilities have a combined total of 36 positive COVID-19 cases.
"We are closely monitoring the clusters of cases at long-term care facilities," said Lake County Health Department Executive Director Mark Pfister. "We have been in close communication with them, providing recommendations and assuring they have adequate personal protection equipment. It is imperative that staff members at these facilities, and every essential employee stay home if they feel ill or exhibit symptoms of COVID-19."
New Cases
(since last update)
New Deaths
(since last update)
Total Cases |
Total Deaths |
31 |
2 |
325 |
5 |
It is critically important that the community follow prescribed preventative measures such as social distancing and the 3 C’s to avoid getting sick:
Clean hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol;
Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or your elbow; and
Contain illness by staying home if you are sick.
Stay home as much as possible.
Maintain a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others.
Call to check on family, neighbors, and older adults instead of visiting.
Check with your healthcare provider about telehealth options.
What to do if you are sick
If you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath, stay home and call your doctor. Distance yourself from others in the household and if possible, stay in your own bedroom and use your own bathroom. Contact your doctor if your illness is worsening (for example, you have difficulty breathing).
Do not walk into a healthcare facility, urgent care clinic, or hospital before calling. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor. If your doctor believes that you need to be tested for COVID-19, your doctor should refer you to a COVID-19 testing site. The Lake County Health Department should only be contacted by your doctor to facilitate testing through the State lab for patients who are hospitalized or those who live or work in congregate settings (e.g., schools, long term care facilities, and group homes).
Residents who do not have a primary care provider can contact the Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center at (847) 377-8800 to schedule an appointment.
Testing is being prioritized for people with symptoms who have high risk of complications. This includes older adults living in congregate settings and those with chronic health conditions like heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes, and those with weakened immune systems. People who do not show any symptoms do not need to get tested.
A number of healthcare providers in Lake County currently have tests available. The Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC) is working to collect information on the availability of testing in Lake County and will provide updates at www.lakecountyil.gov/coronavirus as it becomes available.
Health Department Service Modifications
The Health Department’s Community Health Centers continue to provide care for patients during this time, and modifications have been made to protect the health and safety of all patients and staff:
Services are being provided over the phone when possible
Social distancing measures have been put in place in the clinics
Non-urgent in-person visits are being rescheduled for 4-6 weeks in the future
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) services are provided over the phone, and WIC coupons are provided curb-side
Visit www.lakecountyil.gov/coronavirus for updates on COVID-19 in Lake County, guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19, an interactive map of cases by municipality, and to sign up for the Lake County Health Department’s COVID-19 email newsletter.
The Health Department has established an email address: COVID19@lakecountyil.gov, to answer general questions from the community. Residents can submit an email with general COVID-19 questions, and public health officials will answer the top questions weekly. The Health Department will not use this service to offer medical advice or answer questions related to people who test positive for COVID-19. If you have personal medical questions, contact your healthcare provider.
For a list of government closures, visit: www.lakecountyil.gov/closures
Anyone needing assistance finding food, shelter, rent or utility assistance, or other essential services, CALL 211 or TEXT your zip code to 898211 to speak with someone who can help 24/7. To receive general COVID-19 information via text message, text “COVID19” to 211211. For more information, visit https://211lakecounty.org/
For general state and national information, please call the Illinois State Hotline at 1-800-899-3931, or visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website at dph.illinois.gov, or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at coronavirus.gov.
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