Illinois Counties Receive Declaration of Disaster for June 26, 2019 Storm Event

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October 9, 2019 

Illinois Counties Receive Declaration of Disaster from the U.S. Small Business Administration for June 26, 2019 storm event

Lake County residents who experienced significant flood damage from the severe storms on June 26, 2019 may be able to apply for a loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to help with damage repairs. The SBA recently approved a request from Illinois to assist people and businesses in northern Illinois impacted by the June storm, which resulted in torrential rain and severe flash flooding that caused damage to more than 200 homes. The approved SBA disaster declaration makes low-interest loans available to homeowners, renters and businesses. While the majority of the damage occurred in Will and Cook counties, properties in Lake County that were affected by the storm on June 26 may qualify for the SBA disaster loan. For more information, contact the SBA at 202-205-6734 or visit their website. The application deadline is Nov. 25, 2019. Please note: this only applies for the June 26, 2019 storm event. The September storms are not covered under this declaration.

Residents who do not qualify for the SBA disaster loan may have other options like the voluntary floodplain buyout program. Lake County residents who have homes that are repeatedly damaged and are interested in looking into a buyout for their property can contact Sharon Osterby at for more information and program eligibility.