March 2017 - Monthly Newsletter from Lake County Recorder of Deeds Office

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News from the Recorder of Deeds, Mary Ellen VanDerventer

MARCH 2017

Beware of Deed Scam

Deed Scam PSA from Mary Ellen Vanderventer

The Lake County Recorder’s office has been flooded with phone calls asking about an official letter they received in the mail regarding the deed to their home. There are two companies out to scam you and I urge you to be careful, especially if you have recently purchased a home or refinanced your home. These companies see you as vulnerable because you want to be sure all of your paperwork is in order regarding your recent transactions.

Please be on the lookout for solicitations from Illinois Deed Providers or Deed Retrieval Services. These companies are contacting Lake County homeowners in an effort to provide you with a certified copy of the deed to your home for an outrageous payment of $99 plus $4.50 for postage and handling.

There may come a time when you do need to reference the deed to your home. As often happens, people misplace their deeds or in some instances, never actually received the original deed at the time they purchased their home. For your protection, all requests for copies of deeds should be handled directly through the Recorder’s office. The average deed is four pages or less, with a copy fee of only $1 per page. As you can see, these unscrupulous businesses are roughly making a $95 profit on every request they handle. Let’s put them out of business! Please do not respond to the scam.

As the keeper of the property records for all of Lake County, I do not want to see anyone needlessly harmed by these deceptive offers. I would encourage anyone with a question, concern or need for a copy to contact my office directly at (847) 377-2575. We will be happy to send you whatever paperwork you need, at the statutory cost, without any handling or postage fees.

Office Tour

McLean County Visit

Last month, the Lake County Recorder of Deeds Office welcomed Marc Bounds (seated right) from McLean County. Marc was given an overview of our daily operations with a focus on our utilization of the Illinois Department of Revenue’s MyDec system. We are always happy to share our knowledge with other Recorders from around the state and are pleased to show just how committed our staff is to Doing Good Deeds for You.

PTAX Filing Made Easy With MyDec

Our office utilizes the MyDec system, the free online program which allows you to process real
property transfer tax declarations electronically. We encourage ALL of our customers to sign up
for MyDec through the Illinois Department of Revenue website at

When you utilize MyDec, you will be able to create, submit, review, accept, and close transfer tax
declarations online. You will be able to track the status of, and make corrections to, a declaration
during the recording process.
Sign up today!!