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Looking for a good book for kids? Check out our online collection of Kids' booklists!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | View in browser
 Both locations of the Evanston Public Library will be closed all day and evening on Thursday, April 27 for staff training (so we can serve you better!). Mark your calendar and plan ahead by getting all the books, movies, and playaways you want before (or after) Thursday, April 27.
 What is International Compost Awareness Week? It's May 7-13 and a great opportunity to teach kids about saving the planet! Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps, into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil. And it is an essential tool in getting to Zero Waste, one part of Evanston's Climate Action and Resilience Plan! How can your kids help?
Read and Investigate! Get some books from our Brand New Composting Booklist!
Enjoy International Compost Awareness Week events at Crown! From May 7-13 come to the Crown Branch to learn more about compost, grab some compost-related activities and drop off your food scraps in the free compost bins! Robert Crown Branch Library; More Information.
Super Fun Compost Storytime (preschools and caregivers)! Hear stories about compost and make some puppets to act out just what happens in a compost pile! Learn about this important way to keep our Earth healthy. Thursday, May 11, 10:30 am, Multipurpose Room, Robert Crown Branch Library: Register.
- Watch this awesome compost video for kids to learn how the magic happens!
- Here is a simple how to for composting in your yard; if you don't have a yard, you can use indoor worm composting!
In March 2023, President Joe Biden formally declared that Arab American Heritage Month is April!
Facts you need to know: While the majority of the population of the Arab world is Muslim, most Arab Americans are Christian, with the largest group being Catholic. The largest Arab American population is in the Midwest, in Dearborn, Michigan.
Check out our Brand New Arab American Heritage Month Booklist!
 The Young and the Restless - OUTSIDE The Young and the Restless will coming to Smith Park! Smith Park is located at the corner of Ashland Ave and Lyons St. Can't wait to sing with you! Join our infant through two year old sing a long storytime outdoors at Smith Park! Bring a blanket and join us at a local park! Wednesdays April 26-May 3, 10:15 am, Smith Park: More Information.
Purple Crayon Players Storytime (ages 0-5) Join Northwestern University Theatre Students for a joyous storytime at the Main Children's Room starting THIS Friday. Fridays, April 28-May 19, 9:30 am, Main Library Children's Room; More information.
Misericordia Hearts of Readers Storytime (Toddlers and Preschoolers)! Come to Misericordia Hearts of Readers weekly storytime and activity, led by Misericordia residents! Monday, May 1, 10:15 am, Main Library: More Information.
Family Storytime and Craft (ages 3-7)! Join us for stories, songs and a fun craft. Great for parents who are employed during the daytime. Books appropriate for ages 3-7 but all are welcome. Wednesday, May 3, 6:30 pm, Barbara Friedberg Storytelling Room, Main Library: Register.
Jammie Time (Preschool-Grade 2)! Visit the library in your jammies and listen to stories, sing songs, and have fun. Families welcome. Books for children from preschool up to Grade 2, but all ages welcome. Thursday, May 11, 6:30 pm, Children's Room, Main Library: More Information.
Singsong (ages 1 and up)! Join Miss Jess for a fun, once a month, drop-in set of songs and hear her play multiple stringed instruments! We will sing favorites like "Wheels on the Bus," and "The More We Get Together," but be prepared to learn some lesser known songs! Saturday, May 13, 9:30 am, Garden Gates, Main Library: More Information.
Drawing Comics with Jarrett J. Krosoczka! Celebrate Free Comic Book Day with New York Times bestselling author and illustrator, Jarrett J. Krosoczka! Perfect for the entire family, this live, virtual drawing workshop is sure to inspire the inner artist in everyone. So sharpen your pencils, bring out the paper, and join us for this can’t miss event! Saturday, May 6, 10 am, Online, Zoom: Register.
If you want to learn from Jarrett while hanging out with a group of library friends:
Watch Party for Drawing Comics with Jarrett J. Krosoczka! Join our in-person watch party of award-winning graphic novelist Jarrett J. Krosoczka's interactive drawing workshop! Saturday, May 6, 10 am, Community Meeting Room, Main Library: Register.
Sewing Drop In (Grade 4 and up) Like designing your own clothing? Want to learn some basics? Have an old item you want to decorate? Come to the Robert Crown Sewing Drop-In and fashion your next favorite outfit! Wednesday, May 10, 4 pm, Multipurpose Room, Robert Crown Branch Library: More Information.
Microwave Cooking: Deserts! (Grades K-5) This month Ms. Kim will be leading us through making an Apple Crisp, Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie using a mug and a microwave. An ingredient list will be sent out ahead of time so you can cook your own food with Ms. Kim. Saturday, May 13, 11 am, Zoom: Register.
 Puzzle and Cookbook Swap Do you have a cookbook you don't mind giving away? Perhaps a puzzle or two that your family has already put together? Even if you don't have something to swap, come by to grab a new-to-you puzzle or cookbook! Saturday, May 6, 3 pm, Community Meeting Room, Main Library: More Information.
PEPL (Library Supporter's Group) Gathering! Come to the Evanston Public Library's supporters' organization to learn more, share ideas, and plan for Evanston Public Library's 150th year! Of course, we will have snacks. Monday, May 8, 7 pm, Multipurpose Room, Robert Crown Branch Library: More Information.
FalconCam is now LIVE! Evanston Public Library's FalconCam lets you and your family watch the falcons from the comfort of your home!
Get a Museum Pass! Take your kids to visit a museum, zoo, garden or other fun venue with a pass from Museum Adventure or Explore More Illinois! For Evanston Public Library patrons. One Museum Adventure Pass per family per week, More information.
 Folktales have been told to children for millennia; the first books for children were made in the 1400s; children's books weren't widely circulated until the 1800s. And we've come a long way, baby!
National Library Week is April 23-29! Let's celebrate with a great book for your child. Come to either of our library locations to ask for recommendations for leisure reading or for school projects! Or contact us via Kids' LitMatch and we'll pull books just for your child based on your answers to some simple questions! Or check out a few of our fabulous award winning booklists:
Dia de los Ninos/Dia de los Libros is April 30! This holiday began as a celebration of and for children in Mexico. Latinx Author Pat Mora expanded the day to promote literacy in children from all backgrounds.
Children's (Spring) Book Week is May 1-7! This year's spring theme is "Read Books. Spark Change." Try the "Find Your Spark Challenge!"
Celebrate Floyd Cooper Day, May 6! Floyd Cooper was one of our greatest Black writers and illustrators for kids. Celebrate his extensive and beautiful work by reading one of his books and seeing his striking illustrations! Find his books in our wonderful Floyd Cooper Booklist!
 Arbor Day means "tree" day; it's a national holiday and it's this Friday! Evanston has even been recognized for our trees! How to celebrate?
First read all about'em: Trees and Forests Booklist for Kids!
Listen to the Language of the Trees Book Walk! Come to the Evanston Ecology Center and begin the book walk of the 2022 Blueberry Winner near their circular driveway. Walk through the Ladd Arboretum so you can read the whole book -- reading a book about trees while walking amongst trees! Envision what's going on under your feet as you read! Available now through the end of May, Evanston Ecology Center: More Information.
Plan ahead to celebrate the impact of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in several community wide celebrations! About 10% of the Evanston community identifies as Asian, South Asian, or Pacific Islander, and is growing every year. First, reserve more good books for your kids:
Check out some of the library's plans:
May Short & Sweet: Why the Sky is High! A bilingual Tagalog/English take home storytime kit. This month's craft kit centers a folktale from the Philippines! Enjoy the beautiful video of "Why The Sky is High" created by local artist Geraldine Martinez-Benz, told in English and Tagalog. After you've watched the story, make the craft and retell the story on your own. Starting May 1, kits will be available while supplies last. More Information.
Little Book Around the World Scavenger Hunt at EPL! In honor of Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Little Book took a trip around the world. Join us for this exciting scavenger hunt and the chance to win some special prizes. From May 1-31, Main Library: More Information.
More Evanston-wide events for your and your kids:
The Umbrella Arts Festival celebrates the experiences of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders through the arts and food. Saturday, May 13, 11 am, Fountain Square: More Information.
May Mart! Support local Asian and Pacific Islander owned businesses by visiting 5 participating businesses, ask for a sticker, and enter yourself into a raffle for a $100 Evanston Gift Card! More Information.
Lantern Festival at the Arlington Lagoon! This event is inspired by the many different Asian and Pacific Islander traditions of lantern festivals. Before the night of the festival, attend a free event at Studio 3 to make your own lantern. Tuesday, May 30, 7:30 pm, Arrington Lagoon: More Information.