Friday, July 15, 2022 | View in browser
Application Process for the 2nd Ward Council Seat
Good morning,
As you may know, last month, 2nd Ward Councilmember Peter Braithwaite announced his resignation from the City Council, and today is his final day in office. Please join me in thanking Councilmember Braithwaite for more than a decade of dedicated service to our community, as well as his leadership and advocacy for the 2nd Ward and all Evanston residents.
To ensure that the 2nd Ward continues to be well represented on the City Council following Councilmember Braithwaite’s departure, I am launching a process to fill the 2nd Ward seat. This process will be essentially identical to the process used to fill the 9th Ward vacancy earlier this year.
Here is the timeline I plan to follow:
Today - Councilmember Braithwaite’s resignation is effective. Applications open for the 2nd Ward Councilmember seat (Apply here.)
Friday, August 12 - Applications are due
Wednesday, August 31 (tentative) - Public meeting where candidates will make presentations (additional details to be announced)
Monday, September 12 - Confirmation of mayoral appointment comes before City Council
Under state law, the candidate appointed by the mayor and approved by City Council to fill this vacancy will serve until the municipal election in 2023.
If you’re interested in representing the 2nd Ward, please complete the application by August 12. I also ask that you share this information with your networks and encourage others who may be interested in public service to apply so that we can ensure the broadest, most diverse pool of candidates possible. I look forward to an open, inclusive process that will enable us to best fill this important role in our City government.
Thank you, and please join me in wishing Councilmember Braithwaite the very best in the future.
Daniel Biss Mayor
Daniel Biss Mayor, City of Evanston