Thursday, June 10, 2021 | View in browser
Good afternoon,
Read below for information about Phase 5 mask and capacity limit updates, Town Hall Community Meetings, and the Summer Youth Food Program.
Plus, Evanston was named one of ten "All-America Cities" by the National Civic League!
 Evanston and Illinois Enter Phase 5
Evanston and Illinois will enter Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois recovery plan this Fri., June 11.
Capacity limits lifted: In alignment with state guidelines, businesses, large-scale events, conventions, and other gatherings will no longer be subject to capacity limits. All businesses and venues should continue to support social distancing to the extent possible, especially indoors.
Updated face covering guidelines: Face coverings will no longer be required for fully vaccinated individuals at outdoor events and activities hosted by the City, including the Downtown Evanston Farmers’ Market, Starlight Concerts and Movies, and other outdoor City events.
Evanston businesses and venues may continue to require face coverings regardless of vaccination status, and are encouraged to require face coverings for all patrons unless they can verify that individuals have been fully vaccinated.
Where face coverings are still required
If you’re not fully vaccinated, continue to wear a face covering and practice social distancing at indoor businesses and venues, as well as in outdoor public settings when maintaining a six-foot distance from others is not possible.
All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, must continue to wear a face covering in the following settings:
- Indoors at City facilities, community centers, and Evanston Public Library locations
- Public transportation
- Health care settings
- K-12 schools and daycare centers
- Congregate settings, such as long-term care facilities and group homes
- Businesses and venues that choose to require face coverings
The City will continue to evaluate face covering guidelines and will provide additional updates, as necessary.
 Evanston recognized as a 2021 ‘All-America City’
Evanston has been recognized as a 2021 “All-America City” by the National Civic League! This annual award recognizes 10 U.S. cities that leverage civic engagement, collaboration, inclusiveness and innovation to successfully address local issues.
 Join in for a Town Hall Community Meeting
Join the City, elected officials and community partners for an upcoming town hall meeting this Sat., June 12 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Robert Crown Community Center. At the meeting, you'll learn about the $43 million in funding the City will receive as part of the American Rescue Plan Act and be able to provide your input on community needs, funding priorities and the City Budget.
Let us know you're coming: RSVP for the June 12 town hall meeting.
Two additional meetings planned: A virtual meeting will be held on Thurs., June 17 and an in-person meeting in Spanish on Tues., June 29.
 Summer Youth Food Program begins Monday
Free cold breakfasts and lunches will be available to youth ages 1 to 18 years old at eight locations throughout Evanston as part of the Summer Food Program, June 14 through August 20. Meals will be served Monday through Friday on a first-come, first-served basis. Free meals are available to all youth, but meals must be eaten on site and parents must accompany young children.
COVID-19 Update
Cases and Positivity Rates
Confirmed daily cases and positivity rate
 Click to enlarge.
Evanston’s seven-day moving average of daily confirmed cases is 1.71, compared to 0.57 last week. Two cases were reported today in Evanston. The city has had 4,650 total confirmed cases to date, and 118 residents have died of illness or complications related to COVID-19.
As of June 7, the seven-day rate of new cases per 100,000 residents increased in Evanston (14.97), but remains lower than Chicago (20.34), Skokie (25.52) and Illinois (25.23). The City’s seven-day moving average positivity rate is 0.23 percent, compared to 0.07 percent one week ago.
72 percent of eligible Evanston residents now fully vaccinated
 Click to enlarge.
As of June 7, approximately 86 percent of Evanston residents 12 and older have received at least one vaccine dose, and 72 percent are fully vaccinated. View the City’s updated data dashboard (view on mobile) for the latest Evanston-specific vaccination data from the IDPH.
Where to get your shot
COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and free, and vaccination appointments are widely available. Visit vaccines.gov to find a vaccination appointment or call 1-800-232-0233.
More news and events
Recognize Juneteenth by joining community celebrations
Evanston Present and Future in partnership with the City will present Evanston's Annual Juneteenth Parade and Celebrations on Sat., June 19.
Don't forget to water your trees
With severe drought conditions present in northern Cook County, your trees need help! Remember to water the trees on your property and in your parkways once a week. Trees that were planted in the last three years need about 15 gallons of water per week as long as there is no rain—that costs about 12 cents per week!
Keep our trees healthy! Please don't add to the stress by hanging ropes, swings, or hammocks on trees. All items must be removed per City code.
Super Senior Day takes place tomorrow!
The Secretary of State Mobile Driver Services Unit will be available for participants to renew their driver's licenses (must be under 75 years old), obtain a new Illinois Identification Card , and register to vote at the Levy Senior Center tomorrow, Fri., June 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn about Super Senior Day.
'Evanston Recycles' returns on July 10
It's almost time to get rid of unwanted items in your home! Recycle electronics and unused medications, and securely shred documents at the "drive up, drop off" "Evanston Recycles" event on July 10 from 9 a.m.. to noon at Evanston Township High School.
Stay Engaged
Community Calendar
 Jasper (he, him) is a transgender artist who has lived in Evanston for the past seven years. He is currently attending the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design studying communication design & new studio practice. Beginning Sat., June 12, Jasper will be exhibiting an art show at the Evanston Public Library all about "Trans Joy".
Learn more about Jasper and his art exhibit.
That’s it for today's e-news. Thanks for reading!
The City of Evanston Communications Team