Spring Cleaning e-News Extra: Street Cleaning, Yard Waste, Bulk Trash and More!

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This email features information about 2016 street cleaning operations, yard waste collection, alley maintenance, bulk trash pick-up, and more.

News & Events

New Street Cleaning Signage and Schedule

Street Sweeper
No Parking signage 2016

New parking signage is being installed throughout Evanston to reflect the City’s updated street cleaning schedule. Improvements to street cleaning operations include shorter windows for parking restrictions on most residential streets, and signage listing the specific day and time frame parking is restricted (i.e. 1st Thursday of Month, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.). Parking enforcement for the 2016 season will begin on Mon., May 2 to allow for installation of the new signage.

Residents are asked to abide by the 2016 street cleaning map and schedule, which are available online. Text message and email notifications to remind residents of street cleaning continue to be available.

Click here

Yard Waste Collection Begins April 4

Yard waste

Weekly yard waste pick-ups begin on Mon., April 4 and continue on residents' regular refuse collection day through Thurs., Dec. 1. Residents can dispose of yard waste in paper yard waste bags affixed with a City of Evanston yard waste sticker, or purchase a 95-gallon reusable yard waste cart and pay an annual fee.

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2016 Alley Maintenance Schedule Now Available

Unpaved alley

Evanston’s 2016 alley maintenance schedule is now available. Each year, starting in the spring, Evanston’s more than 300 unpaved alleys are periodically graded by the City. This is done to eliminate potholes and ruts caused by vehicles, weather and other factors. The process improves travel and reduces puddling. View the 2016 Alley Maintenance Map to find out when your alley is next scheduled to be graded, weather permitting.

Click here

Bulk Trash Pick-ups Begin April 22

Bulk Trash Pick-up 2016 schedule

The City's Public Works Agency offers the FREE removal of up to six cubic yards of bulk garbage twice per year. Spring bulk trash pick-ups will take place on Fridays, April 22 through May 13, and are scheduled according to residents' normal refuse pick-up day.


Sign Up for Text/Email Bulk Trash Pick-up Reminders

Cell phone and laptop

New this year, residents can sign up for text message and email reminders to be notified of spring and fall bulk trash pick-ups. Notifications will be sent out two weeks prior to the bulk trash pick-up day, and again two days prior to the bulk trash pick-up day.

Click here

"Clean Up, Evanston!" Set for April 23

Clean Up Evanston 2015 at Robert Crown

Participate in the City's annual “Clean up, Evanston!" event in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day on Sat., April 23, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Community groups and individuals of all ages can sign up to volunteer at any one of the more than 20 designated clean-up sites across Evanston.

Click here