DuPage County Stormwater Management News & Updates

August 2023                                                                                                                                  View this email in your browser

DuPage County Currents

SWM, Conservation Foundation Reflect on Rainwater Harvesting System 13 Years After Construction

rainwater harvesting

Top-The Conservation Foundation President Brook McDonald and SWM Chairman Jim Zay pose next to an educational sign on the benefits of rainwater harvesting. Bottom left-In 2010, staff members begin installation of over 780 Aquablocks that make up the rainwater harvesting system. Bottom right-The rainwater system with all Aquablocks locked in place, before being backfilled and regraded.

A few weeks ago, SWM Chairman Jim Zay toured The Conservation Foundation's (TCF) McDonald Farm - his first visit to our longtime nonprofit partner since the pandemic. TCF President Brook McDonald led Zay through the Farm's sustainable and water-quality friendly features, including green roofs, solar panels, native gardens and more. The crown jewel of stormwater management for the Farm however, lies completely invisible between two barns. Just beneath the ground sits a 25,000 gallon rainwater harvesting system, built in 2010 by Aquascape Designs with funding from SWM. The system, one of the largest of its kind in the Chicagoland area, collects 100% of rainwater from four nearby buildings into a 35'x35' reservoir filled with interlocking Aquablocks for structural support. The water then gets pumped out to irrigate the Farm's 60-acre organic vegetable farm. The system has been such a success that they hardly ever use the backup water well. With additional rain barrels and a secondary smaller harvesting system, TCF captures all onsite rainwater runoff, demonstrating practical water conservation and sustainability principles to visitors.

SWM to Restore Portion of Winfield Creek This Winter with IEPA Grant

Winfield Creek

The state of Winfield Creek today, directly to the west of County campus.

DuPage County Stormwater has been awarded funding from the Illinois EPA's Section 319 Grant to restore a section of Winfield Creek in Wheaton and Winfield. Beginning this winter, SWM will stabilize eroding streambanks and install riffles to increase dissolved oxygen. We will also remove large amounts of invasive plants and install a native plant filter strip and bioswale in order to remove nutrients and other pollutants from runoff before it enters the creek. These restorations will improve water quality across the board, positively impacting wildlife and vegetation on-site and downstream.

Best Practices for Draining Pools

As summer comes to an end, SWM is reminding residents of how to properly drain pools for the season to protect water quality. Chlorine can be toxic to aquatic organisms, so make sure the water is de-chlorinated before draining. Let the water sit for at least 4 days to do this, and test the water to make sure all the chlorine is gone and that it's pH-neutral. Pool water should then be discharged into a grassy area to infiltrate into the ground and should never be discharged into storm drains.

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Around Town

Each summer, SWM staff assists the Illinois EPA with monitoring and sampling for harmful algal blooms in DuPage County. Algae blooms are caused by high levels of nutrients, which can be found in lawn fertilizer and pet waste. These nutrients are carried to waterways via stormwater runoff. As algae blooms grow, they produce toxins that can be harmful to people, pets and wildlife. SWM regularly monitors popular ponds and lakes throughout the County from July to September. Residents may report algae or other water quality concerns to SWM through the online Citizen Reporter App.


Algal blooms caused by nutrients eventualy become toxic to people and wildlife.

Upcoming Events

Green Infrastructure Seminar for MS4 Communities

Thursday, September 7, 2023, 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

SWM is hosting our annual training for municipal staff and consultants on Green Infrastructure in-person at Danada House this year. Guest speakers will be giving presentations on topics like permeable paver maintenance and GI design resources. This seminar is for employees of DuPage County MS4 municipalities/townships, and not open for the public. If you are a community employee and have not received an invitation to register, please contact Raul Galvan at raul.galvan@dupageco.org.

Roselle Senior Expo

Friday, August 4 - Sunday, August 6, 2023, All Day

SWM will be tabling at this event for seniors hosted by Illinois Representative Jennifer Sanalitro and Senator Seth Lewis. Attendees will be able to engage a wide variety of organizations offering services for seniors, including everything from health screenings to advice from a master gardener.

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Wood Dale Public Works Open House

Thursday, September 7, 2023, 3:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.

Join Wood Dale Public Works in celebrating the opening of their new facility! There will be food, games, Touch-a-Truck, and the chance to talk with community organizations including SWM.

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