Attainable Sustainables Institute Day Class 2023
Friday, March 3, 2023, All Day
Sponsored by SWM, SCARCE is hosting the "Attainable Sustainables" class for DuPage County teachers. The course will expose teachers to a wide variety of sustainability topics, including the dynamic world of water management in DuPage. SCARCE staff will also equip teachers with hands-on learning ideas for the classroom, including watershed model demonstrations and volunteer initiatives. The fee is $25 for bus transportation.
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April Showers! Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens & Native Plants
Monday, April 17, 2023, 7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Join Jim Kleinwachter of The Conservation Foundation as he discusses the Conservation@Home program, sponsored by SWM. He will discuss how rain barrels, rain gardens and native plants work together to foster healthy ecosystems in yards. He will also explain how to get a free consultation for your property. The free event will be held at the Addison Public Library (4 Friendship Plaza). Advanced registration is required.
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DuPage County River Sweep 2023
Saturday, May 20, 2023, 9:00 A.M. - Noon
Sponsored in part by SWM, The Conservation Foundation's annual DuPage County River Sweep is a countywide stream cleanup held each spring. Individuals, businesses and other organizations may become involved in this year's River Sweep by serving as a Community Liaison, Group Coordinator or Individual Volunteer. Pre-registration is required to participate in the River Sweep.
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