“Green Infrastructure Maintenance" Webinar
Thursday, January 13, 2022, Noon - 1:00 P.M.
Green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) have become the preferred approach for stormwater storage and conveyance by local, regional and federal agencies. However, sometimes maintaining green infrastructure BMPs can be challenging. This free webinar will explore different approaches to green infrastructure maintenance that not only get the job done but can also save money. One (1) PDH will be provided.
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2022 Virtual DuPage Environmental Summit
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 8:30 A.M. - Noon
Hosted by The Conservation Foundation, the topic for this year's annual DuPage Environmental Summit is "Building Climate Change Resiliency into Our Landscape." Extreme weather continues to grow, but so does local understanding of how to mitigate these challenges. Speakers will discuss how to build resilience to address current and future pressures. The free summit is open to the public, but pre-registration is required.
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2022 DuPage Beyond the Basics Virtual Seminar
Thursday, February 24, 2022, 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.
Hosted by The Conservation Foundation and sponsored by SWM, this year's half-day virtual seminar will focus on "Weathering the Storm: Building Resilient Communities Through Design." Speakers will discuss stormwater projects and programs that enhance local resilience. This seminar is free, but advanced registration is required. Attendees will receive 3.5 PDHs.
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