DuPage County Stormwater Management News & Updates

December 2021                                                                                                                                        View this email in your browser

DuPage County Currents

DuPage County Accepting Water Quality Grant Applications

Water Quality Improvement Program Grant

DuPage County Stormwater Management (SWM) is currently accepting grant proposals for projects aimed at improving the quality of the County’s waterbodies. In its 23rd year, the Water Quality Improvement Program (WQIP) grant awards funding for projects exhibiting a regional water quality benefit, including restoration and green infrastructure projects. Under the program, organizations and individuals may apply for reimbursement of up to 25 percent of construction costs for portions of projects that improve water quality. The application deadline is Friday, January 7, 2022.

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Glenbard East Uses Watershed Models

Watershed Models

Glenbard East's Dave Krodel collects watershed models from SCARCE.

This fall, Glenbard East High School borrowed eight watershed models to educate students on water quality and stormwater management practices. Sponsored by SWM, SCARCE provides DuPage County schools, libraries and other organizations with these interactive watershed models, as well as the training to use them in the classroom.

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Addison Township Installs Medallions

In partnership with SWM and SCARCE, Addison Township recently installed 62 storm drain medallions to remind people passing by not to dump waste of any kind down storm drains as they connect directly to local rivers, streams and lakes. To accomplish the project, Addison Township partnered with the DuPage County Sheriff's Work Alternative Program.

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Around Town

In late November and early December, a bald eagle was spotted over a period of several weeks near SWM's Armstrong Park Reservoirs in Carol Stream. The presence of the bald eagle indicates that the surrounding ecosystem fosters a good environment for this special species. In addition to serving as a flood control facility, the dual-reservoir system, which SWM completed in 2015, improves water quality and provides habitat for aquatic and land species of plants and animals.

Bald Eagle

Photographer T. Alfirevic captured images of the bald eagle at SWM's Armstrong Park Reservoirs.

Upcoming Events

“Green Infrastructure Maintenance" Webinar

Thursday, January 13, 2022, Noon - 1:00 P.M.

Green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) have become the preferred approach for stormwater storage and conveyance by local, regional and federal agencies. However, sometimes maintaining green infrastructure BMPs can be challenging. This free webinar will explore different approaches to green infrastructure maintenance that not only get the job done but can also save money. One (1) PDH will be provided.

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2022 Virtual DuPage Environmental Summit

Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 8:30 A.M. - Noon

Hosted by The Conservation Foundation, the topic for this year's annual DuPage Environmental Summit is "Building Climate Change Resiliency into Our Landscape." Extreme weather continues to grow, but so does local understanding of how to mitigate these challenges. Speakers will discuss how to build resilience to address current and future pressures. The free summit is open to the public, but pre-registration is required.

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2022 DuPage Beyond the Basics Virtual Seminar

Thursday, February 24, 2022, 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.

Hosted by The Conservation Foundation and sponsored by SWM, this year's half-day virtual seminar will focus on "Weathering the Storm: Building Resilient Communities Through Design." Speakers will discuss stormwater projects and programs that enhance local resilience. This seminar is free, but advanced registration is required. Attendees will receive 3.5 PDHs.

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