Commonwealth Edison is continuing major infrastructure improvements throughout the City The project scope includes installation of several electrical manholes and duct packages for utility expansion. The project will be performed in stages over approximately the next 7 months.
Click here for a project map.
Locations of work include the following:
Maple Av from Touhy Av to Riverview (Phase 1) - Completed 2024
Riverview Av from Maple St to Cora St (Phase 2) - Completed 2024
Oakton St from Cora St to Lee St (Phases 2, 3 and 4) - Oakton (Cora to CN RR) Completed 2024; Oakton (CNRR to Lee) - Pending
Lee St from Oakton to Graceland Av (Phase 4) - Pending
Graceland Av from Lee St to Rand Rd (Phases 3, 5 and 6) - Graceland (Jefferson to Rand) Start 2/5/25
Rand Rd from Graceland Av to the Union Pacific Railroad (Phase 6) - Pending
On or about February 5, crews will begin installation of conduit on Graceland Av between Jefferson and Rand. Work is expected to be completed by March 14, 2025. No parking will be allowed on Graceland within the project limits. Various lane closures and detours will be established for the work areas as the project progresses. Please use alternate routes to avoid delays.
For questions, contact the City of Des Plaines Engineering Department at 847-391-5390.