Highlights to tonight's meeting
The City Council will be meeting tonight to discuss routine business and a few possible developments possibly coming soon. Please click the link below to see the full agenda and packet.
Consideration of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Properties Located at Prairie/Lee/Graceland (760 Lee Street) – FIRST READING – ORDINANCE Z-28-24
Consideration of an Extension for the Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Time Period for Submitting Final Plat of Planned Unit Development for 900 Graceland Avenue and 1217 Thacker Street – RESOLUTION R-216-24
Consideration of Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Properties Located at Prairie/Lee/Graceland (760 Lee)
The petitioner is Advent Properties, LLC, the contract purchaser of the privately-owned subject properties. A mixed-use residential and commercial building is proposed on this site as well as a publicly accessible, private park. They are requesting an exception for a reduction in the required parking minimum to allow a seven-story mixed use building with 278 multi-family residential units and 8,500 square feet of commercial space.
Consideration of an Extension for the Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Time Period for Submitting Final Plat of Planned Unit Development for 900 Graceland Avenue and 1217 Thacker Street
Petitioner Luz and Associates #1, LLC requests an extension from the City Council to submit a Final Plat of PUD for the proposed 50-unit townhouse development at 900 Graceland Avenue and 1217 Thacker Street. Ordinance Z-33-23, passed January 16, 2024, approved the preliminary PUD. This approval is set to expire on January 16, 2025. An extension is requested to finalize coordination with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The petitioner requests an extension to January 16, 2026.
Cold Weather
As we get colder and colder this winter please remember to check on your neighbors and make sure they are doing ok. If you have a neighbor that needs help with snow removal or if your able to help please sign up with the Jet City Coalition. Please click the link below and see what they are all about.
Jet City