Join us at our Ward 8 meeting at Friendship Park Conservatory on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m.
We are excited to welcome Tim Watkins, Assistant Director of Public Works, as our guest speaker for the next ward meeting. He will be sharing insights about the Public Works Department's operations and addressing any questions or concerns you may have.
After our speaker, I'll have time to answer questions.
Don't forget that the City has winter celebrations coming up! Join us at the Holiday Tree Lighting and Winter Fair on December 6 and 7. Visit the City's website for all of the details.
The City of Des Plaines is prioritizing investment for a more vibrant downtown. Share your feedback on the City's investment strategy by filling out this quick survey! Input will remain confidential and be reported back in summary format. Thank you in advance for your participation!
Thank you,
Alderman Mike Charewicz 847-878-5291