With the new school year quickly approaching, our friends at the Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines could use a variety of items for our students. Community donations of school supplies are greatly appreciated, as well as food donations for the Community Backpack Project. This project serves District 62 students in need and provides a backpack with enough food to last through the weekend. For more information about current donation needs, drop off hours and the Community Backpack Project, please visit selfhelppantry.org
 As a result of redistricting that occurs every ten years, the 4th Ward map has been slightly redrawn. The ward now includes the Buckingham Place apartment building and the adjacent townhomes along Northwest Hwy.
580 S Wolf Rd Proposal
  On August 15th, the Council will hear a request for a Class 6b tax incentive from a distribution company that wished to acquire the property at 580 S Wolf Rd and turn it into a distribution center:
- Full acquisition & redevelopment of the 8.5-acre site; would remove all existing buildings and the batch plant
- New estimated $16M development includes an approx. 59,000-sq-ft modern industrial/warehouse building (32-foot clearance height ceiling) with 27 docks, parking
- Distribution facilities are permitted under zoning for the property (M-2); this is different than the last potential user, Transport Properties/First Student, which required a conditional use
- Proposed business: Highlander Transportation, which would essentially also be the owner of the site, not a tenant.
- Request is for the City's support of an application to Cook County for Class 6b, which reduces the assessment level on the property and ultimately the tax bill for an initial 12 years.
- Based on a $16M development cost and a proposal for 70 jobs initially with a projection to expand to more than 100 jobs in 2-5 years, the project meets the City's typical criteria for supporting 6bs. In addition, the applicant's property tax scenarios estimate that even with the 6b reduction, the overall tax bill for the site will rise from current conditions, generating an additional approx. $4.7M over the life of the incentive.
The City Council will meet in person on August 1, at 7 p.m.
Stream the meeting online: www.desplaines.org/livestream
Find the meeting agenda: www.desplaines.org/agendas