Operational Updates from Assessor's Office
As of March 16, 2020, the office is closed to the public.
Appeals will be accepted for the following townships until May 1, 2020: River Forest, Riverside, Oak Park, Evanston, Norwood Park, Rogers Park, New Trier, and Barrington. Assessment notices were already mailed out from our office to these specific townships prior to the operational changes brought on by COVID-19. Any adjustments due to the effects of COVID-19 will be made after appeals have been received.
Additional updates to this schedule will be announced via CCAO email newsletter and the website. Please sign up here for updates.
We are doing all we can in our office to ensure our assessments reflect any effects of COVID-19. South Suburban reassessments scheduled for this year will be adjusted to reflect estimated effects of this outbreak on property values.
Property owners whose properties are not normally reassessed this year – in the North Suburbs and Chicago – will also receive adjusted assessed values later in the year after appeals have been processed.
These adjustments to property values will affect second installment tax bills in 2021.
The Cook County Assessor’s Office has no legal authority to delay, suspend, or freeze property tax bills.
It is our statutory duty to ensure no one pays more than their fair share of property taxes.