Applications open for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grants
Eligible state and local governments now can apply for $430 million in funding from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. Funds can be used for projects and programs that cut carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, or reduce energy usage.
The EECBG Program is designed to assist states, local governments, and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency.
States can apply for EECBG formula funding through July 2023, and local governments can apply through January 2024.
Entities that are ineligible for formula grant funding may participate in a competitive grant program. Read and share your perspectives on the request for information for EECBG's Competitive Program.
Updates from the Climate Committee
At their last meeting in November, the Climate Committee welcomed two new members: Matthew Santagata, regional planning manager at Openlands, and Chris Young, office of resource conservation director at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
The committee heard an update about CMAP's response to the U.S. Department of Transportation's notice of proposed rulemaking to require states and metropolitan planning organizations to set greenhouse gas emissions targets for roadway travel on the National Highway System. CMAP supports the new rule and intends to set these emission reduction targets as part of a larger process of setting regionwide transportation sector targets.
The committee discussed its 2023 schedule, topics, and work plan for the year. It also heard an update from senior analyst Daniel Comeaux about CMAP's mobility recovery project and the development of a transit system report, the Plan of Action for Regional Transit. Climate program lead Nora Beck and senior planner Holly Hudson gave an overview of CMAP's water resource work and current projects in the region.
Watch the meeting recording to learn more, and join us for our next Climate Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 24, at 9:00 a.m.
Midwest bid for hydrogen hub receives recognition from DOE
The Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen's (MachH2) bid to develop a regional clean hydrogen production and distribution hub received a notice of encouragement from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The communication is a signal that MachH2's initial concept paper, filed in November, meets DOE's requirements and has serious potential to be chosen as one of up to 10 regional clean hydrogen hubs across America.
MachH2 is a group of more than 55 public members, including CMAP, representing every stage of the hydrogen value chain and strengthening its bid to develop a clean hydrogen hub in the Midwest.
Nominate a site for an EV charging station
Cook County launched the new Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Program to increase access to public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout its suburban communities.
The goal of this four-year initiative is to install up to 75 dual port public EV charging stations. Cook County will cover the cost of the EV station hardware, construction, and installation as well as networking and warranty fees for the first five years.
Would you like to see an EV charging station in your community? The county is seeking site nominations from municipal leaders, residents, business owners and community organizations to find the most suitable locations for the public charging stations.
New website can help you manage stormwater
Are you a developer or engineer in Cook County looking for a simple, cost-effective way to meet stormwater management requirements? Are you a landowner looking to generate new revenue and mitigate flood risks in your community? StormStore can help take the guesswork out of stormwater management while helping you save time and money.
StormStore is a stormwater management solution for Cook County developers, engineers, and landowners. Created by the Metropolitan Planning Council and The Nature Conservancy, it provides a simple, cost-effective way to meet stormwater requirements while mitigating flood risks.
Join CRTI for partner recognition celebration
On Thursday, February 9, join the Chicago Region Trees Initiative for their annual partner recognition celebration: "Hot Topics and Urban Trees: Resiliency in the Face of Urban Heat Island and Climate Change." Learn about the urgent challenges of climate change and urban heat island effect from keynote speakers Dr. Vivek Shandas and Tanner Yess, and celebrate local urban forestry heroes who work tirelessly to tackle these challenges in their communities. This event is free, but registration is required.
Register for the Fox River Summit
Registration is open for the 11th annual Fox River Summit. This full day event will examine watershed management issues and challenges in both the Illinois and Wisconsin portions of the river basin. A key goal will be to continue the dialogue between stakeholders in Illinois and Wisconsin on many shared topics including recreation, economics, fisheries and other wildlife, soil health, water quality, stewardship, and other ongoing activities to improve this shared resource. Check out the website for program details, speakers, and topics with state, local, and federal perspectives.
Apply for the Our Great Rivers grant
The Chicago Community Trust released a request for proposals for the Our Great Rivers grant. The Trust seeks proposals for river-related planning, placemaking, urban design, public access, public awareness, research, policy development, advocacy/organizing, economic development, and brick-and-mortar pre-development. For this cycle, the Trust will prioritize projects that align with its River Sites of Interest and advance the goals of the living, inviting, or productive themes from the Our Great Rivers vision. Letters of interest are due Friday, February 10.
Small grants available to increase access to natural spaces
Nature, Culture, and Human Health (NC2H) is offering small seed-planning grants to support community-engaged, collaborative planning projects to increase access to natural spaces and community health. These $2,000-$5,000 grants should align with all three prongs of NCH2's Triple Aim. Find more information in the request for proposals. Applications are due Tuesday, February 21.
Climate Infrastructure Fund grant program open
Chicago's new Climate Infrastructure Fund provides grants up to $250,000 for green economy projects citywide. Open to small businesses and non-profits, Climate Fund grants are available to support capital investments in energy efficiency projects, electric vehicles, and green infrastructure. The deadline for the first round of grant applications is Friday, February 24. Learn more on the Climate Infrastructure Fund website.