Explore CMAP's updated Land Use Inventory
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) released the 2018 Land Use Inventory, which identifies up to 50 different land categories in the region, and is available now for download.
The Land Use Inventory is a resource for county planning departments, regional transportation agencies, federal and state agencies, university researchers, non-governmental organizations, consulting firms, and more. It can help you understand existing land uses when creating a comprehensive plan and track progress towards goals. For example, you can analyze the success of development policies, such as tracking if recent policies have led to more infill and transit-oriented development.
Traffic congestion growing, transit ridership steadily increasing — analysis shows how travel is changing
In 2022, the region saw traffic on its expressways return to pre-pandemic patterns, while the number of people using transit steadily increased as more workers returned to offices and hybrid arrangements.
CMAP updated its ongoing analysis of northeastern Illinois’ transportation system — roads, transit, freight rail, and safety. The latest update provides a snapshot of how travel has changed in northeastern Illinois nearly three years after the pandemic began.
In case you missed it: new data can help communities understand their emissions
CMAP's recently updated its greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the region. It found that between 2010 and 2019, overall emissions in northeastern Illinois decreased by 9 percent — or about 1 percent each year.
To help the region's communities act, CMAP also, for the first time, released individualized data summaries by county, municipality, and Chicago community area. This data provides a snapshot of emissions from the building, transportation, and waste sectors. Local governments, sustainability committees, and others are encouraged to use this information to develop local climate action plans.
Housing and Transportation Affordability Index updated
Housing and transportation (H+T) are the two largest expenses for most households in the U.S. The Center for Neighborhood Technology’s updated H+T Affordability Index combines housing and transportation costs to offer an expanded view of affordability. Learn more about the update and explore the data.