Rep. Ron Nate - Idaho Legislative Update - 5/17/21

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Idaho State Legislture

May 17, 2021

Rep. Ron Nate - District 34

Rep. Ron Nate - House of Representatives

Idaho House Chooses Recess, Not Adjournment   

  The Idaho House voted to go on an extended recess (and not be paid) until December 1st, or sooner if needed (see HR4). It was an important decision to recess and not adjourn (sine die) because more Biden rules and dollars are coming to Idaho and we need a balance of power to make important decisions.  Last year, during COVID our governor decided to make all the spending decisions, many emergency decisions, and even change our election laws without the legislature's involvement.  When he finally did call a special session of the legislature, he limited the actions to only considering liability protection issues for government and businesses.  This year, by recessing (and not adjourning), the House can reconvene whenever needed throughout the remainder of 2021.


   The Idaho Senate did adjourn for good (sine die).  They seemed fine for allowing the governor to make unilateral decisions for Idaho. Remember last year when the governor decided on his own to close churches and many businesses, and limited gatherings for events? The senate seems to think the laws we passed this year to limit the governor will be enough, but the governor showed last year he was willing to change laws without the legislature (elections). Here are the bills we passed to protect rights in an emergency: 
H391 - This bill ensures that Idahoans' Constitutional rights are never suspended due to an emergency declaration. 
H392 - This bill prohibits the governor from changing any laws or creating new laws during an emergency (like Gov. Little did during the 2020 Primary elections). 
H393 - This bill requires that any restrictions put in place during a declared state of emergency cannot be based on job type or classification.  (The governor cannot declare some jobs "essential" and others "non-essential.")
S1217 - Idahoans' right to work can never be suspended, emergency or not.  
  To make sure the laws do what we expect them to and are adhered to, we must maintain the ability to reconvene the legislature this year--this is a "check" on executive branch powers. At the start of the legislative session, we promised our citizens we would restore the balance of power. The House did the right thing with a longer (unpaid) recess to keep our options open.  If the governor decides to change law (outside his authority), the House can easily return tp session to preserve its authority.  If the Biden Administration continues its spending spree (with debt from our grandchildren), the legislature will have the authority to accept the money or reject it.  The legislature will make the spending decisions, just as our Constitution stipulates.  The House did the right thing to maintain its proper checks and balances with the executive branch.  We are ready to protect the rights and freedoms of all Idahoans!




Wrap-Up: 2021 Conservative Agenda for Idaho

  At the beginning of this legislative session, 31 legislators held a press conference to introduce the Idaho Conservative Agenda for 2021. This week on the last day of the session, we again held a press conference to discuss successes and the work left to do.  Here are my prepared comments from the Wrap-Up Press Conference. 

One hundred twenty-two days ago, Idaho’s Conservative Senators and Representatives stood in this space to present The Idaho Conservative Agenda for 2021.  The agenda listed goals in the categories of Lower Taxes, Less Government, and Restoring Freedoms. 

Conservative legislators worked toward income, property, and grocery tax relief, reducing government overreaches, rebuilding proper checks and balances between the legislature and the governor, and restoring election integrity. Along the way we realized and achieved other conservative goals such as prohibiting the advancement of Critical Race Theory in Idaho education while making sure we achieve excellence in education with the proper funding and proper controls.  We did that. We passed a law strengthening Idaho protections against federal gun laws, and a law to prohibit tax dollars being used for abortions.

Idaho Conservative Agenda

Income taxes and property taxes were reduced by over $400 million.  That was well over our goal of $150 million back in January, but it was disappointing that Grocery Tax Repeal was prevented from moving forward.  There is still work to do on tax policy in Idaho.  We should not be one of five states fully taxing groceries, and we should further reduce property tax burdens.

This year, the legislature will retain its spending authority throughout the year with the ability to return to session for spending decisions if needed.  We have restrained the governor and protected businesses and families in their Constitutional rights during an emergency and clarified how the governor may not change laws during an emergency.

There were significant improvements in Idaho’s election process including ballot signatures for verification, collecting ballots, and providing for election audits.  Idaho is a leader in election integrity. 

We found our legislative process to be broken in some important areas.  Legislation to ensure vaccination and health freedoms was stopped at the committee level. Important education reforms like repealing Common Core and SBAC testing were also thwarted by committee chairs. 

The 2021 legislative session was conservative success in many ways, but there is still important work to do this year and into the next session in 2022.  This will be an important year for Idaho families and businesses. We must unleash Idaho’s robust economy, make sure the money flowing into Idaho government from taxes and grants is carefully spent, and never allow government to run our lives. 

We encourage everyone who is ready to move Idaho forward with strong economic growth, limited government, and maximum personal freedom to continue promoting the Idaho Conservative Agenda into 2022.



Wrap-Up: Budgets; Idaho Spending is Off the Charts

  Beyond the Conservative Agenda, I must discuss the final budget numbers. The fiscal year ends on June 30, 2021 with a surplus projection of $139,516,400. This massive amount will even be higher because the tax reporting deadline for 2020 taxes was moved to 5/17 (Monday!) this year.  Take a look at the charts below for the budget as projected to end the year 2022.  More tax collections this year will undoubtedly pile up in the Idaho Treasury and contribute to the total spending and surplus projected at the end of 2022 to be over $77,000,000.  


    It's great that we were able to pass some tax relief for Idahoans ($400 million in income tax and property tax cuts), but these numbers show we could do even more--such as grocery tax repeal.  Idaho's Constitution requires the state to maintain a balanced budget (no debt), so having a small surplus at the end of the year is wise, but we already maintain nearly 15% in surplus funding for a "rainy day."  Therefore, when the surplus is as large as predicted this year (and more will be projected next year), then the legislature is obligated to return the money to its rightful owners, the Idaho taxpayers.  Even bigger tax reductions should be the top priority going into the 2022 legislature!


   Also, we should point out how the surpluses will come into being despite the big increases in spending for Idaho education and Idaho infrastructure (roads, etc.).  For FY 2022, The Public Schools Program Appropriation includes an additional $74,615,000 in new General Funds when compared to the FY 2021 Original Appropriation, which equates to a 3.8% increase ($2,520,700,000 total state spending).  Adding federal spending to this, there is an additional $767,736,100 or a 32.8% in all Idaho education spending -- for a total of $4,088,500,000 spent on education.  This is the biggest increase in education spending in Idaho history. 


   For infrastructure, our general funds and relief funds amount to nearly a $400,000,000 increase in transportation and other projects.  This is also huge.  Idaho must be careful to not become dependent on this one-time federal assistance for education and roads (we know it cannot continue). That's why Idaho should spend the money on one-time projects and infrastructure, rather than expanding programs we will not be able to sustain. 


   The pie charts show huge increases in Idaho tax collections and Idaho spending.  The top chart shows Idaho tax and fee collections and the bottom chart shows how it is all spent. Keep in mind these charts show only the state budget numbers, the federal spending exploded this year with the massive debt spending taken on by both the Trump and Biden administrations in the CARES ACT (I and II) and ARPA "rescue" plans. 
Add ANOTHER $7,100,000,000 from the feds to more than double our state spending up to $11,341,500,000 of total government spending in Idaho.  We are amassing such debt for our kids and grandkids, I really don't see a way out that doesn't include a massive recession in the near future.  Start preparing now! 

Idaho's General Fund Budget


Be an Engaged Citizen!  What You Can Do...

   My excellent colleague Representative Heather Scott produced this great list of ways all Idahoans should be involved in the government process.  It's often said we get the government we deserve, and Rep. Scott's guide will help Idaho get better government.  Elections matter, citizen involvement matters.  Please do your part to make sure government in Idaho actually works for the people instead of only working for those in positions of power!  Click on the link below and start checking off the items you are doing to make Idaho great again. 


                    110 Things You Can Do - Rep. Heather Scott  


  Power reserved for the people




Weekly Peek: Idaho Leads the Way in Protecting Students from Critical Race Theory Indoctrination


Idaho Critical Race Theory - NPR   Idaho Critical Race Theory - Newsweek

Idaho Critical Race Theory and Texas - Newsweek     Idaho Critical Race Theory - Atlanta

Texas and Other States Considering CRT Ban Laws

   Recall a few weeks ago that House Bill H377 (now law) makes public funding for CRT indoctrination and advocacy absolutely illegal in Idaho.  Idaho's law is the first of it's kind in the nation and is being considered in other states like Missouri and Texas.  News organizations across the country are picking up on Idaho's lead.  FoxNews, the Lars Larsen Show, Glenn Beck TV, Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC and other news sources are following Idaho's law and how it is being considered in other states.  You can click on the pictures above and below for links to the news stories.  Or, just do a quick google search for "Critical Race Theory Idaho" and you'll see many news stories.


   The media will always try to cast Idaho in a bad light by either denying CRT indoctrination exists in Idaho education or that CRT is important for learning, or that it's benign--they seem to be grasping at straws for how best to defend or deny CRT.  Whatever charge they can make stick in people's minds they will run with. For those who claim CRT is not even being pushed in Idaho schools, they should not worry because Idaho's new law will not be an issue--the law will ban something non-existent, right? No problem.  For the rest, who claim CRT is essential or benign, they should not worry because the law does not ban teaching about CRT, it only bans the practice and advocacy of CRT--you cannot divide students by race or actually claim one race is superior or inferior to other races.  The bill is truly a fairness bill.  Idaho law says to treat all kids equally.  Read it for yourself (click the bill above).


   The fact of the matter though is that throughout the Critical Race Theory (CRT) discussion and debate regarding school budgets particularly in Idaho, many said CRT is not an issue in Idaho schools.  It's true that most of the problem is in the universities, but the growing number of cases where CRT is creeping into K-12 are increasing and disturbing.  CRT as put into action uses nice sounding words and ideas, but they are all tied to the belief that America is systemically racist and if you disagree with any of it's claims, then you're a racist too.  This seems unbelievable, but it's true.  The CRT propositions (where there's always an aggrieved minority being systematically harmed by an oppressive majority) are becoming baked into the education system.  It is a Marxist philosophy to pit one class of people against another class, and it leads to disunity and discord.  We must keep it out of Idaho schools!


   Idaho took the lead to stop the indoctrination, stop the advocacy, and start the purge of CRT as an accepted theory for how America actually works. Hopefully, Idaho can restore and retain its education excellence without the distractions of promoting and advocating for Social Justice ideology and Critical Race Theory indoctrination.  We value honest education in Idaho!


   If you are concerned about education being taken over by the Marxist ideals of CRT, please contact your House Representatives.  Thank you for caring about Idaho!



Idaho Critical Race Theory - FoxNews


Bills to Watch:

House Bills:

H1          Governor's Powers in Emergency                   House State Affairs

H4          Parental Rights in Disasters                            House Judiciary and Rules

H7          Idaho Treasury Gold/Silver Holdings               Senate State Affairs

H21        Lemonade Stand Freedom                              Senate Local Government - held

H53        Electronic Public Notice                                   House Failed

H56        Abolish Abortion                                               House Ways and Means

H63        Vaccination Freedom                                       House Ways and Means

H66        Bond and Levy Ballot Disclosure                     Senate Amending Orders

H72        Powerball Lottery Continuance                        House State Affairs - dead

H77        Responsible Childhood Independence            House Judiciary and Rules - held

H133      Idaho Roads and Bridges                                House Transportation

H135      Emergency Declarations, Const. Rights          To Governor

H140      Vaccination Freedom Protections                    Senate Commerce

H175      Mandates In-Person Public Schools               Senate 3rd Reading

H195      Targeted Picketing                                           House Failed - dead

H199      Sales / Income Tax Cuts                                  House Revenue & Taxation - dead

H213      Income Tax Exemption, Relief                         House Revenue & Taxation - dead

H216      Medicaid, Supplemental Appropriation            Signed, LAW

H238      Wolves, Predator & Hunting                            House Resources

H246      Disasters, Parental Rights                               Signed, LAW

H256      Sales in Cash, Requirement                            House Revenue & Taxation

H266      Cloud Seeding                                                 Signed, LAW

H291      Business Bill of Rights                                     Senate State Affairs

H294      Education Expenses, School Choice               Senate - Failed

H300      2nd Amendment Firearms                               House State Affairs - Held

H332      Income Tax Cut, Rebates                                Senate Local Government

H339      Prohibiting Mask Mandates                             Senate State Affairs - Held

H342      Local and State Roads Projects                      Senate Transportation

H347      Income Tax Filing Deadline                             House Revenue & Taxation

H362      Local and State Roads Projects                     To Governor

H366      Abortions, Fetal Heartbeat                              Signed, LAW

H377      Education, Critical Race Theory                      Signed, LAW

H380      Income Taxes, Rebates                                   Signed, LAW

H385      Appropriation, Education - Teachers                Signed, LAW

H387      Appropriation, Colleges & Universities             Signed, LAW

H389      Property Taxes, Exemptions                            Signed, LAW

H391      Disasters, Governor Powers                            Signed, LAW

H392      Disasters, Governor Powers                            Signed, LAW

H393      Disasters, Governor Powers                            Signed, LAW



HCR1     Resolution to End Emergency                         House State Affairs

HCR5     Gatherings and Group Size                             Senate State Affairs

HJR1      Legislature Calling Sessions                           Senate State Affairs - held

HJR4      Psychoactive Drugs Amendment                    House - Failed



Senate Bills:

S1001      Disaster, Governor Powers                            Senate State Affairs

S1002      Disaster, Governor Spending Powers            Senate State Affairs

S1003      Governor Powers, Martial Law                       Senate State Affairs

S1027      Idaho Wrongful Conviction Act                       Signed, LAW

S1028      Minimum Wage Increase                                Senate State Affairs

S1044      Eminent Domain Limitation                            Signed, LAW

S1069      Elections, Absentee Ballots                            House State Affairs

S1085      Fetal Heartbeat - Pro-Life                               Senate State Affairs

S1087      Smoking Age to 21                                         House FAILED

S1099      Red Light Fines - Triple                                  Senate Transportation

S1043      Student Expulsions, Exec. Session                Signed, LAW

S1110      Ballot Initiatives, Voting                                   Signed, LAW

S1135      Firearms, Schools                                           Senate State Affairs

S1136      Emergencies, Authority of Governor               Veto Override failed in Senate

S1193      Pre-K Federal Grant                                       House 3rd Reading

S1202      State Board / Pre-K Federal Grant                 Signed, LAW

S1204      ARPA Federal Relief                                       Signed, LAW

S1205      2nd Amendment, Firearms                             Signed, LAW

S1217      Disasters, Governor Powers                           Signed, LAW


SCR101   Terminating Disaster Emergency                   Senate State Affairs

SJR101    Psychoactive Drugs Amendment                   House State Affairs

SJR102    Legislative Sessions, Special Call                  Adopted


You can learn more about all the legislation being considered in the legislature.
Just check the House and Senate Reading Calendars found at the links below:

House Reading Calendar:

Senate Reading Calendar:




How Are Your Legislators Voting?

Every vote your legislator makes offers insight into their beliefs, principles and willingness to follow the constitution.  Below is a link to a website that tracks Idaho legislators' votes, and scored them.  How do your legislators rate?  Click below to find out!

Here is a link to a non-profit (Idaho Freedom Foundation) that tracks all Idaho legislators' voting records.  Bills are scored using a rating metric based on adherence to the constitution, if the bill grows government, if it hinders private business, along with other standards. Where does your legislator stand?  Will you hold them accountable?