Representative Heather Scott -District 1
Join me live on Zoom Monday Feb. 15th
7pm MST (6pm PST)
Topics to be discussed include the following:
- The Biden executive orders to restrict constitutionally-protected gun rights and what is being proposed in Idaho to protect citizens' gun rights at the state level.
- Language changes being made by the governor's office and out-of-touch state agencies to undermine our constitution and our law.
- Why the Idaho legislature has not ended the emergency orders or addressed the governor's emergency control powers.
- Domestic terrorist, terrorism, insurrection and what will Idaho legislators do to protect your First Amendment rights so you will not be prosecuted as a criminal for having an opinion.
Live question and answer session.
You can pre-submit questions to: QuestionsforHeatherScott@gmail.com
Time: Feb 15, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84062464760?pwd=TW5TOWExd25SVjR2RXE3L2ZmY1RKQT09
Dial in: +1 669 900 9128 US
Meeting ID: 840 6246 4760 Passcode: 870132
Space is limited, and will be first come first served.