District 32 Constituents,
I have discussed my impeachment articles in length with Chairman Crane. He will not give me a hearing. He does not want to ruin the chances of some bills making it through the Senate, because much of the Senate is upset the House is “beating up on the Governor.” Therefore, I am pursuing a resolution that will put it on record that the Governor violated the Constitution. I want the legislature to say, yes, the Governor violated the Constitution. Here are the main points of my resolution:
Violation of the Article I, Section 10. He and his appointees impaired innumerable contract obligations by locking down the people and businesses who entered those contracts by deeming many businesses "non-essential."
Violation of the 1st Amendment: Similar to violating Article I, Section 4 of the Idaho State Constitution, Idaho’s Governor prohibited the free exercise of religion and thus abridged the freedom of speech and the right of the people peaceably to assemble. Furthermore, by not assembling the legislature after 60 days of a declared state of emergency, he did not allow for citizens to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Violation of the 4th Amendment. Similar to violating Article 1, Section 17 of the Idaho State Constitution, Idaho’s Governor suspended the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, and enabled unreasonable searches and seizures.
Violation of the 5th Amendment. He bypassed all state and federal laws which call for due process to be granted, even in the event of quarantine, before the right of life, liberty, and the use of property be removed.
Violation of the 14th Amendment. The Governor and his designees decreed the removal of our privileges and immunities without due process. Specifically, Idaho residents were deprived of life, liberty, and the use of their property without due process of law. A state of unequal protection of the law has existed, and Idaho residents have been given a pass to earn a living only if decisions by the Governor and his designees deemed them "essential."
On 02/03/2021, I introduced my school carry bill. This allows school staff to carry a concealed firearm in schools K-12, if they possess a valid enhanced concealed weapons license. I originally included the public on this bill, as well. However, law enforcement groups and the chairman were not helping me move it along. I do appreciate the support from Caribou County Sheriff Mabey on this bill. He understands a police response takes time and a school shooting could be over by the time police arrive. My number one goal with this bill is to deter would-be coward shooters completely.
Representative Ron Nate and I are moving a bill forward that will allow the legislature to review all executive orders. This means the legislature would have the power to decide whether these orders are constitutional or not. If it were deemed unconstitutional, we would run a concurrent resolution not allowing it to be implemented into state agencies. This bill is much like North Dakota’s executive order nullification bill. However, Representative Nate and I strongly believe ours is better.
Senator Christy Zito and I are working on a federal gun control nullification bill. Biden and the Democrat controlled Congress are preparing to push a wave of gun control. We need to be prepared in Idaho to push back and nullify these unconstitutional laws in Idaho.
Lastly, there is House Bill 61. This raises the snowmobile registration fees from $31.50 to $49.50. I am most definitely against this bill. I believe those that use groomed trails need to pay for this service, to include cross-country skiers and others. If one doesn’t use the service, one shouldn’t have to pay for it. The reasoning for this bill are for costs of grooming, warming huts, parking lots, etc. I have 4 sleds, I shouldn’t have to pay $200 for a service I don’t use, neither should you.
Please email the transportation committee and let them know how you feel. You will find that committee on here: https://legislature.idaho.gov/committees/housecommittees/
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Take care and God bless, District 32! You are always in my prayers.