Changing a legal "certificate of live birth" document if one believes they are a different gender is already happening in Idaho due to out-of-control bureaucrats. They are writing administrative code based on a court decision without any legislative oversight. If this concerns you, please consider attending one of the 5 hearings below and share your concerns before Idaho transforms into a state you do not recognize. Time is running out.
- In early May, 2018, The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDWH) published a temporary rule to allow the indicator of gender to be changed on the birth certificate. https://adminrules.idaho.gov/bulletin/2018/05.pdf Page 62. Below is part of the language:
- Negotiation with the citizens was denied for the following reason:
- This rule was supposed to have legislative oversight in the 2019 session. Both Legislative Health and Welfare committee chairmen (House and Senate) locked the rule in their drawers and the legislators were denied any debate or review of this rule. (Without legislative review, the rule automatically becomes law!)
- I personally ran a bill to remove this part of the administrative code that was never given a hearing. https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2019/legislation/HCR005/
- In July, 2019 IDWH made some changes to the rule for children under the age of 18 who want to change their gender. This opened the rule to public comment.
Twenty-Two (22) counties from across the state gathered signatures and requested public hearings to voice their concerns on this rule. Bureaucrats decided only 5 counties would be worthy of their time to visit. https://adminrules.idaho.gov/bulletin/2019/07.pdf
Please make the effort to get involved at every level of government. I can not do it alone!