Safety Program Survey Results
This bulletin is to share the results of the recent IDL Safety Program Survey. Thank you to everyone that participated in the survey.
Overall, the results show that we are doing a good job with our safety efforts. Our managers and supervisors are providing safety related discussions and trainings and supporting additional safety efforts.
Our Office Safety Coordinators are providing guidance for their office emergency response efforts, safety concerns and hazards, and a safe environment.
There were helpful comments included with the survey responses, and I have already made efforts to address some of them. Others may be communicated directly to an Area Manager, Senior Manager, or Office Safety Coordinator, whichever is appropriate.
The survey was anonymous to allow for open and honest feedback. If you commented in the survey and you would like to discuss your concerns further, please contact me directly. I would appreciate the opportunity to address your concern and hopefully provide some mitigation efforts.
Below are some comments and my follow up:
"Making sure that everyone who is in the field has some type of hi-vis vest or shirt, not just one program, that has IDL on it."
- ANY employee with job responsibilities that require they spend at least 20% of their time working in the field is eligible for high visibility shirts, baseball hats and stocking hats, and all have an IDL logo. I have recently submitted the Purchase Requisition for the spring orders. If you are eligible and did not submit an order, please contact me.
"It would be nice to have a window breaker/seat belt cutter in each vehicle."
- I agree! While I don't believe we have had an incident that this was needed, it only takes once. I have received authorization to purchase this safety item for EVERY IDL vehicle. I am researching cost, etc. so stay tuned!
"Where our Area is having issues is in the field with ATV's."
Several comments regarding a boot allowance.
- Great news! The Boot Allowance Policy was announced by Director Miller on Thursday, April 18th by email. Click here for the policy, procedure, and Luma Guide. Any employee with job responsibilities that require they spend at least 20% of their time working in the field is eligible for this great benefit!
"Ergonomic work area would be appreciated."
- Please contact me to schedule an evaluation of your workstation. I can request a specialist from State Insurance Fund to visit your office and make recommendations.
I have extracted the results of the questions (not comments) into a PDF for you to review, click here to review the results. I invite you to contact me using any of my contact methods below, if you have questions or concerns.
Workplace and employee safety is the responsibility of all employees. If you see something, or have a safety concern or issue, or feel you need additional safety training, report it. You can contact your Office Safety Coordinator, supervisor, manager, or the IDL Safety Officer. We are all part of the safety effort!