University of Idaho Becomes Tree Campus USA
With a long and much anticipated effort, the University of Idaho has applied for recognition from the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus USA Higher Education Institution.
In 2023, the University established a Campus Tree Advisory Committee that will be headed and organized by the office of sustainability. The advisory committee worked together to develop a "Campus Tree Care Plan" which defines design standards, and lays out policies for tree planting, maintenance, and removal standards and identifies acceptable species to be planted on university properties.
Students planting trees along a creekbed in the palouse countryside. Photo courtesy of University of Idaho
As a student service-learning project for the Tree Campus Higher Education program the Student Sustainability Cooperative, the Housing Office and the Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute partnered in 2023 in an effort that resulted in 800 native trees being planted throughout the Palouse. Over 60 Vandals spent the day planting willows, dogwoods and other various native species to help stabilize creek banks and restore critically endangered riparian zones.
Students learned how to identify desirable planting spots, plant saplings, and how to install protective tubing to ensure the newly planted trees survived. Volunteers also learned about the importance of Palouse Prairie restoration and how they can help through practicing environmental stewardship.
Go Vandals!
To learn more about the University of Idaho's Tree Advisory Committee, view the Campus Tree Care Plan and/or get involved visit this site for more info.
To learn more about the Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Campus USA Higher Education program visit this site for more info. Tree Campus Higher Education
Moscow Heritage Tree Program
Moscow is rightfully proud of its beautiful tree-lined streets, particularly in older historic neighborhoods, and the city continues to work towards creating the same quality of urban forest in new areas as they develop. In 2023, the Moscow Tree Commission created a Heritage Tree Program with the goal of inspiring and educating the community about the Moscow urban forest.
A "Heritage Tree" is notable for its large size, age, health or form, or is uncommon for the area. It can also be a tree that has an interesting story or connection to Moscow’s history. To be considered for the program, a tree must be sufficiently visible from the public right of way so the public can be respectful of the private property owner’s personal privacy.
To be included in the program, one must submit a nomination form available on the website, and before a tree can be accepted as a Moscow Heritage Tree, tree owners must sign a Property Owner Agreement Form, also available on the website.
Once the nomination is received, the City of Moscow Staff Liaison to the Moscow Tree Commission will present the nomination to the Moscow Tree Commission for their consideration and approval or denial during a regular Moscow Tree Commission meeting.
When a tree becomes designated as a Moscow Heritage Tree, it will be featured in the Moscow Heritage Tree Program Guide, which includes a map of the tree location, a photograph of the tree, and a description describing why it is a Moscow Heritage Tree.
The property owner will also receive a Certificate of Recognition. The Moscow Heritage Tree designation does not give the public permission to access private property without permission of the property owner.
An example of an information plate from the Moscow Heritage Tree Program Guide.
Preparing for Arbor Day 2024
It’s never too soon to start planning for the next Arbor Day! And while the National Holiday is celebrated April 26th, any time when the ground isn’t frozen could be the perfect time for you to celebrate by bringing members of the community together to plant a new tree for all to enjoy. In 2023, a lot of communities celebrated the special day between April and June.
Getting ready for Arbor Day could mean planning where a new tree will go, choosing a species that will do well in the conditions of the site, deciding how the tree will get irrigated while it gets established and letting the community know ahead of time so that they can be involved.
Trees are a community resource, it’s great to get the whole community involved in your celebration. Encourage an elementary school to participate by offering a short skit or performance. Sponsor an Arbor Day Poster Contest with prizes for the best submissions or go to the school and teach kids about how trees contribute to their community.
City of Coeur d'Alene Arborist Nick Goodwin plants a tree with kids on Arbor Day 2023.
With a little planning, free seedlings can be made available statewide to pass out to people who want another tree in their yard.
The Idaho Department of Lands, in partnership with the Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association (INLA), Avista, Rocky Mountain Power, and Idaho Power offers Arbor Day Grants to communities across the state. Communities who have received the grant in the previous two years are ineligible. The grants are up to $300 and help cover the cost of a tree or other planting materials (excluding Ash- Fraxinus spp.), a community who receives this award must provide a monetary match or in-kind donation equaling 25% of the award (approximately $75).
The application for the 2024 Arbor Day Grant will be posted on the IDL UCF and the INLA webpages when the program begins.
In Southern Idaho, Idaho Power has another program where they will give the homeowner a large growing shade tree to be planted on the west or southwest side of the home with energy conservation in mind. As the tree grows, it will shade the home in the summer, then lose its leaves in the fall and allow sunlight to warm the home in the winter. For information on the Idaho Shade Tree Project, visit the website here.
Additionally, some communities in Northern Idaho are eligible for a free tree sponsored by the Idaho Department of Lands and Avista Utilities. City administration in Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Shoshone, and Benewah counties can contact Amber Ramirez at the Spokane Conservation District for more information on receiving a free tree for your community’s Arbor Day. 509-795-5133 x 238 or
Tree Tips:
Holiday Lighting in Landscape Trees
Who doesn't love a nice display of colorful lights during the holidays? It is easy to carried away with these decorations during the holiday season, and there has been no shortage of spectacular displays this year.
Whether it is in a public park, garden, downtown, private business or in a private neighborhood, it is very likely every community will have a place where the public can stroll and enjoy the eye candy these light shows provide.
Holiday light display at the Indian Creek Plaza in Caldwell, Idaho December 2023.
Light strands left in trees year round can end up girdling and killing branches.
Although it can be tempting to leave light strands up in trees to avoid the hassle associated with putting them up again the next season, it is important to remember to take light displays down after the holidays to prevent causing unnecessary damage to the trees in your landscapes.
Calendar of Events
PNW ISA - Events
North Idaho
Spokane Conservation District – Annual Tree Sale January 29 - March 11 Details
Inland Tree Conference January 11-12 Learn More Here
Vegetation Management Training January 10 Details Here
Kaniksu Land Trust/ Pine Street Woods - Events
Coeur d'Alene - 32nd Annual Family Foresters Workshop Friday, January 26th
Coeur d'Alene - 2024 Foresters Forum February 7-9
Central Idaho
Moscow, ID - University of Idaho Educational Programs/ Workshops class schedules
Lewiston, ID - Lewis Clark State College Arboretum Tree Tour
Southwest Idaho
Boise, ID - Boise City of Trees Challenge ongoing, learn more here
Boise, ID - Boise Tree Captains ongoing series learn more here
Boise, ID - Parks and Recreation Activity Guide (Horticulture Classes) Here
Boise, ID - Idaho Botanical Gardens events calendar
Boise, ID - INLA Horticulture Expo January 17-19 register here
Nampa, ID - 2024 Horticulture Workshops register here
Southeast Idaho
Wood River Valley - Sawtooth Botanical Gardens events calendar
Various cities - Idaho Power Shade Tree Program Fall enrollment is open for the following counties: Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls. Follow this link to learn more Idaho Power Shade Trees.
Other great resources:
For those of you who just cannot get enough about Arboriculture, this is a fantastic podcast you should check out. Completely Arbortrary
Sherrill Tree "Tree U" (Online Arborist Training Courses)
Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) Education and Training
USDA Forest Service Urban Forest Connections Webinar Series