Wildfire Alert: Hospital Fire – Current as of 9:00 AM PT on 8/30/2023
Idaho Department of Lands sent this bulletin at 08/30/2023 10:21 AM MDTHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Crews Stop Forward Momentum of Hospital Fire
Orofino, Idaho - Aided by rainfall, firefighters battling the Hospital Fire in Orofino stopped the forward momentum of the fire. Today crews will focus on tightening indirect dozer line around the perimeter and begin mop up operations.
The size of the incident is estimated at 50 acres, but this estimate will be refined later today with more precise mapping.
According to the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office six homes and numerous outbuildings were lost in the fire. Wixson Heights residents are being allowed back into that area, but identification will be checked at the entrance to allow residents only. Power has been restored, but lines are still being repaired.
Officials urge those traveling on Dent Bridge Road to use extreme caution. Since suppression operations are continuing along the road, slow moving or parked firefighting equipment and vehicles will be present.
The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Agencies responding to the incident include Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association, Idaho Department of Lands, U.S. Forest Service, Orofino Fire Department, Twin Ridge Rural Fire District, Sunnyside Rural Fire District, Kamiah Fire-Rescue and Grangemont Fire District. Fire officials are grateful for the incredible support from these cooperators.
Visit Clearwater County’s Facebook page for evacuation and road closure information: https://www.facebook.com/clearwatercounty.org/
View the location of the Hospital Fire on the Idaho Department of Lands fire map: https://gis1.idl.idaho.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=49bc88dc5e144ae2b3cd60a726168377&query=Fire_History_Locations_Public_4180_1746_1717_7086_7191%2CIncidentName%2CHospital