Are you ready for winter and driving in adverse weather and conditions?
With daylight hours reducing by the day and winter fast approaching with the possibility of ice, snow, and freezing temperatures, it's time to review our winter safety tips!
Office Coverage
While it’s important to ensure that at least two employees are at the office until closing year around, it’s especially important when it gets dark at 3:00 p.m.
- Parking lots are icy and often with poor lighting creating a dangerous scenario.
- If an employee is alone and falls, injuring themselves, it could be a long time before help arrives, and it’s dark so no one can see them from the surrounding area.
- Try to schedule at least two employees until 5:00 p.m. It’s not safe to leave one employee in the office, especially when we have reduced activity around the office.
- Create a formal schedule rotating the responsibility and hold employees accountable for their rotation.
Icy Parking Lots
- Use your IDL provided ice cleats!
- Take smaller steps, shuffle, walk like a penguin.
- Be aware when stepping down out of your vehicle.
- Keep hands free for balance.
Tips for Driving in the snow and ice-From AAA
- Watch for wildlife! We are now traveling more during their active time, and they are more difficult to see. Be vigilant.
- Keep a bundle of cold-weather gear in your car, such as extra food and water, warm clothing, a flashlight, a glass scraper, blankets, medications, and more.
- Make certain your tires are properly inflated and have plenty of tread.
- Keep at least half a tank of fuel in your vehicle at all times.
- Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface, such as ice and snow.
- Drive slowly. Reduce your speed to account for less traction and stopping distance when driving on snow or ice. Be aware of black ice!
- Accelerate and decelerate slowly.
- Know your brakes.
- Don’t power up hills.
- Don’t stop while going up a hill.
Check the Weather: Check the weather along your route and delay your trip if bad weather is expected.
Stay Connected: Before hitting the road, notify others and let them know your route, destination, and estimated time of arrival.
The link below has additional useful and critical information and tips.
Winter Travel Safety-National Weather Service
Daylight Savings Time Checklist
Daylight savings time is a perfect opportunity to give attention to a variety of tasks at work and home. Below are just a few tips. To review the entire list, select the link below.
- Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
- Turn off exterior faucets
- Clean your furnace filters (and AC vents, too)
- Clean the gutters
- Seal air leaks
- Have your chimney inspected and cleaned
- Drain your water heater and clean out sediment
Allstate Daylight Savings Checklist
What's New?
Workers comp policy micro learning: Did you have a chance to read the new DHR Workers Comp Policy? Did it leave you with questions? If so, please join the upcoming micro learning session on Tuesday, December 6th, at 9:30 PST, 10:30 MST to get your questions answered! The invite has not been sent yet but will be soon so watch your emails.
- The following DHR link takes you to all the information regarding this new policy.
DHR Workers Comp Policy, FAQ's, and other related information
Building drills: The Safety Committee has identified that conducting drills at all IDL buildings is a priority. We will be developing a Drill Guideline for use when conducting drills and will begin assisting offices with drills. A Safety Committee member will be reaching out to your Safety Coordinator soon to coordinate your office drill.
Ice cleats: Did you order your IDL provided ice cleats? If so, did you receive them? If not, please contact me directly. If you didn't order, but have decided that you want to now, contact me.
Orange baseball and stocking hats: This IDL provided PPE has recently been distributed to offices and programs. If you are eligible and did not receive yours, please contact your supervisor.