When: Thursday September 22, 2022 @ 9am PST / 10am MDT
Where: Zoom - https://idl.zoom.us/j/86929597328
Note: You can add this Zoom meeting to your calendar by visiting the IDL Transparency Calendar Event (hosted by Tockify) located here. Once on the event page, click on the Green circle and select which calendar to save it to.
Prior Announcements Regarding the Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program
Background, Eligibility, & Deadlines
The Community Wildfire Defense Grant program is funded by the USDA Forest Service through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and is authorized “to assist at-risk local communities and Indian Tribes with planning for and mitigating against the risk created by wildfire."
Eligible applicants include (not all inclusive, see guidance for full details):
- Local Governments
- Indian Tribes
- Non-profit Organizations
Projects must take place on non-federal lands.
Last date to request access to the online application
- Friday, September 23, 2022
Final date to request submission of a final application
- Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Idaho Department of Lands last date to submit applications
Idaho Department of Lands CWDG Webpage
The Idaho Department of Lands is not the primary administrator of the CWDG program this fiscal year, but is still heavily engaged. Specifically, IDL is providing technical assistance to applicants across the state in various forms including the development of a new CWDG webpage where applicants can find the IDL Technical Assistance webinar recording, important deadlines for Idaho's CWDG applicants, and USDA tools and resources.
Visit the Idaho Department of Lands Community Wildfire Defense Grant Webpage
USDA Forest Service Releases Dataset Resources
The USDA Forest Service posted new resources including datasets that assist nationwide applicants in the CWDG application process. This includes Wildfire Risk to Communities downloadable data. Applicants are encouraged to view this information when determining eligibility and priority scoring components while developing applications. Applicants are not limited to these datasets and other sources are available via the USDA Forest Service and IDL CWDG webpages.
Visit the Wildfire Risk to Communities webpage to view datasets supporting the CWDG program
Additional Program Information
Disclosure Statements
This program is funded in part by the USDA Forest Service. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.