Wildfire Update: Prospect Fire - Current as of 8:00 AM PT on 9/11/2022
Idaho Department of Lands sent this bulletin at 09/11/2022 09:22 AM MDTHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Website: https://www.idl.idaho.gov/fire-management/fire-news-feed/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IdahoDepartmentofLands/
Fire Information Email: jrussell@idl.idaho.gov
Public Information Phone: (208) 277-4361
Location: Junction of Meadow Creek and Prospect Creek, 8 miles north of Harvard, Idaho
Incident Command: North Idaho Type 3 Incident Management Team 2, Jason Svancara, I.C.
Estimated Size: 291 acres
Containment: 75%
Total Personnel: 142
Prospect Fire achieves 75% containment
(Harvard, Idaho) The Prospect Fire has remained at 291 acres and is now 75% contained. Firefighters made excellent progress toward full containment yesterday and are expected to have the fire fully contained by end of shift today. Fire crews and engines will be released from the incident as mop up completes.
The North Idaho Type 3 Incident Management Team 2 (NIT3 IMT2) would like to thank all the fire crews, cooperators, and contractors for their commitment to fighting fire aggressively and safely throughout this incident. They would also like to acknowledge the support from the local community.
NIT#3 IMT2 wishes to recognize the sacrifices of our fellow first responders on this 9-11. Never forgotten.
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR): Has been rescinded.
Cooperating Agencies: Idaho Dept. of Lands, Potlatch Rural Fire, Latah County Sheriff, Deary Rural Fire, Moscow Rural Fire, PotlatchDeltic, USDA Nez Perce - Clearwater National Forests
Photo: Moscow Rural Fire District water tender filling portable water tanks. Credit- Jose Schofield, Miller Timber
Map: Public Information Map release date 9/11/2022
#FireYear2022 #IDLfireinfo #ProspectFire2022