School facilities funding, tax relief bill nears finish line, advances to full Senate
Boise, Idaho – House Bill 521, the school facilities funding and tax relief bill, passed the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee today with a near unanimous vote. The bill, which received overwhelming support from the House of Representatives last month, now goes to the full Senate.
Governor Little called for a historic investment in school facilities in his State of the State and budget recommendations this year. House Bill 521 offers dual benefits in making learning environments more productive across the state while giving back more income and property tax relief to hardworking Idahoans.
The bill boasts a large and growing list of supporters. Numerous education stakeholders testified in support of the bill in committee today and the cosponsor list now includes 40 members of the Idaho House of Representatives and 12 members of the Idaho Senate.
"This top priority bill proposes the largest investment ever in school facilities and lowers income taxes even further. It also has the added benefit of long term property tax relief because the state is footing the bill for many improvements local property owners would otherwise cover. Thank you, legislators, for putting kids and families first!” Governor Little said.
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