My AmeriCorps service, from Winter Doore at Gem State AmeriCorps
As a member of the Gem State AmeriCorps program, I currently serve at the Institute of Rural Health. Focusing primarily on mental health services for individuals in rural and underserved areas, the organization also provides suicide prevention and treatment, as well as collaborates in other community-based health-related fields.
As an AmeriCorps member, serving with a rural health outreach and community wellness initiative has been a highlight. It has provided me with hands-on experience addressing the health care needs of a remote, underserved community and understanding the amount of people, time and dedication it takes to improve health outcomes.
One project that particularly stands out to me is a community needs assessment I worked on with the local Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. I was involved in not only helping to administer their survey but also in creating an outreach booklet of community resources. This project gave me firsthand experience and valuable insight into the complexities of such assessments and showcased the crucial role each participant plays.
My time with AmeriCorps has been profoundly impactful, both personally and professionally. The experiences I’ve gained, from direct service to community engagement, have not only deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by underserved populations but have also strengthened my commitment to making a difference. The skills I’ve developed and the relationships I’ve built will continue to guide and inspire me as I move forward. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, and I am proud of the contributions I’ve made to the community. This experience has reaffirmed my dedication to service and my belief in the power of collective effort to drive meaningful change.
Gem State Public Health AmeriCorps
Members expand and enhance community partnerships in an effort to increase services offered, and increase the number of individuals trained as suicide prevention intervention gatekeepers.
Simply Hope Family Outreach Inc. - Supervisory Teen Aide; Burley, ID
The supervisory teen aide is responsible for working with teens after school. This person will help facilitate groups for the Botvin Life Skills program, schedule volunteers, coordinate activities, track attendance and administer screenings.
Community Youth in Action - Youth Mentor; Idaho Falls, ID
The youth mentor will aide in achieving several health-related program goals. This person will also provide enrichment classes, tutoring, accompany high-risk youth on service projects in the community and more.
The Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute AmeriCorps members provide environmental education throughout the state and conduct environmental restoration projects.
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute - Restoration Technician; Moscow, ID
The restoration technician will work with staff and volunteers to assist with day-to-day tasks related to restoration projects, the Nature Center and native plant nursery.
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute - Stewardship Coordinator; Moscow, ID
The stewardship coordinator will be responsible for developing a sustainable nature center stewardship program, including the coordination, training and leadership of volunteers and interns in service-learning activities.
AmeriCorps NCCC Southern Region Forest Team, Delta 2, deployed Aug. 31 to serve at Idaho's Moore Square Complex Fire in wildland fire suppression.
Team tasks included constructing handlines to contain spot fires, stationing out the square mountain lookout to keep an eye on fire activity, removing hazardous dead trees, bucking and removing fallen trees from the roads to ensure emergency vehicles and escape routes were fully operational and using a tactic called gridding to ensure any burning embers in the back were put out to stop the spread of new fires.
“Our team learned how to persevere when faced with adversity in this ever-changing atmosphere. My favorite part of the time we spent on the fire was networking with other teams and getting a better understanding of the career pathways that are out there,” Ian Hanson, AmeriCorps NCCC team leader said. “I never thought I would have the chance to travel out west and see this beautiful part of the country. AmeriCorps has given me the opportunity to serve communities in need, get a foot in the door for careers in the federal government and see amazing places such as Idaho.”
National Days of Service - Idaho at Play
"I participated in the BUGS booth at the Boise Farmer’s Market for Idaho at Play where we had kids play a freeze dance game,” Iris Henderson said. “It was valuable to see families together outside having fun and to tell them about BUGS, AmeriCorps and Idaho at Play. Events like these make me feel more connected to my community.”
“We held a mock Olympic games at the Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute with many games for adults and children,” Maggie Magee said. “I can definitely apply what I learned about organizing and running events like this to future community engagement and events. I think participating in more events in the future will help to solidify what I learned.”
9/11 Wallace National Day of Service
This year, 9/11 service events in Wallace, Idaho, consisted of Silver Valley Gem AmeriCorps members filling over 100 disaster preparedness kits to distribute to the community in Shoshone County. |
9/11 Lewiston National Day of Service
AmeriCorps alums in Lewiston had a great turnout for their service project. They had 15 participants and painted 30 bowls that will be sold during the YWCA's Soup-port our Shelter fundraiser to raise money for their domestic abuse shelters. |
Idaho State University’s 9/11 Day of Service Grant
Events have been held in the Treasure Valley, Pocatello and Wallace. Activities included canning basics, a hero fun run, a senior hobby fair and hygiene kit assembly. Ninety-seven volunteers have been involved so far. Follow ISU 9/11 Day of Service on Eventbrite to be informed of events where you can volunteer or participate. |
Serve Idaho AmeriCorps Conference
Serve Idaho is looking for informative and engaging content to provide AmeriCorps members with skills and concepts they can implement during their year of service. The 2025 Serve Idaho AmeriCorps Conference is scheduled for Feb. 19 - 20 at the Riverside Hotel in Boise with the theme, "Our community, our impact." Please complete the speaker request form by Nov. 1. You can learn more about Serve Idaho and our AmeriCorps programs at serveidaho.gov.
Sponsorship and exhibitor levels
Serve Idaho is looking for sponsors for the 2025 Serve Idaho AmeriCorps Conference. There are great opportunities to network with members, participate in service projects and market your business or organization.
Conference sponsor - $5,000
Your company's representative will be invited to introduce the keynote speaker during opening session. The representative may speak for up to five minutes on the company’s connection to the Serve Idaho AmeriCorps Conference. Perks include your company logo on the opening session slides, an exhibitor booth with preferred placement in the exhibit hall, two conference registrations, a half page ad in the conference program, a banner or signage at the registration table and recognition as a sponsor with your organization's logo on the back of the conference room.
Service project sponsor - $3,000
Your company representative will be introduced at lunch. Perks include verbal and visual recognition during service projects, an exhibitor booth with preferred placement in the exhibitor hall, one conference registration, a quarter page ad in the conference program and recognition as a sponsor with your organization's logo on the back of the conference program.
Headshot sponsor - $1,500
Perks include verbal and visual recognition during the opening session, an exhibitor booth with preferred placement in the exhibit hall, one conference registration, recognition as a headshot sponsor on the back page of the program with the organization’s logo.
Exhibitor (Business, Education or Training Partner) - $300
Perks include an exhibitor booth in exhibitor hall and recognition as a sponsor with your organization's logo on the back of the conference program.
AmeriCorps Member Sponsor - $200
Perks include verbal and visual recognition during opening session and recognition as a sponsor with your organization's logo on the back of the conference program.
AmeriCorps Alum Workgroup
The AmeriCorps Alum Workgroup meets quarterly and is looking for members to help develop the alum network, organize events, engage with other alums, participate in National Days of Service, and support and encourage current AmeriCorps members.
Using Your AmeriCorps Education Award
America's Service Commissions is hosting a webinar for AmeriCorps members and alums Friday, Nov. 1 at 2 p.m ET. Share this webinar opportunity with your programs, AmeriCorps members and alums.
The Idaho Department of Labor is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Reasonable accommodations are available upon request. Dial 711 for Idaho Relay Service.
Serve Idaho is supported by AmeriCorps. A total of $7,722,927 (79%) of the program is financed through federal funds, and $2,051,059 (21%) is funded through local support.

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