Back in March 2011, the Waverly-Shell Rock Middle School was launching its 1:1 program during the 2011-2012 school year. Our fiber-optic network provided the critical link to ensure that their iPad project was successful by supplying the Internet and bandwidth needed for the multiple applications teachers and students would use each day.
Bridgette Wagoner, Director of Educational Services, explained “We could not do this initiative without the ICN. It’s critical to have the infrastructure in place when handing teachers and students a piece of equipment that completely relies on the technology. We know that the technology isn’t sustainable, but we also know that the technology isn’t optional either.”
Infrastructure Upgrade Completed on the Capitol Complex
In order to transition to full VoIP services, buildings' infrastructure on the Capitol Complex, in Des Moines, required to be updated to support the newer technology.
Back in 2017, we finished a $1.7 million project to upgrade fiber, copper cabling, and power. This upgrade increased bandwidth capabilities that benefited all State government agencies. In total, the upgrade equaled approximately 58 miles of new cable installed, and we began providing VoIP services statewide in 2019.
Impact Statements
One of the most important pieces of celebrating our anniversary is thanking our customers, partners, and others that have had an impact. ICN would not be successful without this support.
The ICN’s fiber connectivity is being used to connect two Agriculture and Rural Communities (ARA) base station sites to the Iowa State University data center. This ARA wireless living lab project enables the research and development of rural-focused wireless technologies to provide affordable, high-capacity connectivity to rural communities and industries such as agriculture. Read more impact statements.
Iowa State University announced receiving a national federal grant to study the use of wireless technology to expand available broadband coverage across a three-county area. ICN is a valued partner for this initiative.
We finished a 100GB backbone upgrade to our statewide network in 2022, doubling our capacity and enhancing service for our customers in all 99 counties of Iowa.