Monday Morning Eye-Opener August 7, 2023

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August 7, 2023

Learning Circuits 2023

Learning Circuit

Registration Is Now Open

Last week’s Eye-Opener included a preview of the State Library’s Learning Circuit this fall.  Scheduled for September 28, from 9:00AM-3:30PM at six locations across the state, here’s a more complete description thanks to Samantha Bouwers:

“Howdy, Partner! 2023 has been the year of “Productive Partnerships” from the State Library CE Team. The Learning Circuit this fall will give us one more chance to think about who your library might partner with in serving your community. 

No two service areas are the same.  So we’ll start the day learning about how to discover and tap into those unique elements that make up your community’s strengths with a “Community Asset Mapping” workshop. Later in the day, we’ll spend time fine-tuning the library networking pitch, so that wherever/whenever you run into a potential partner, you’re ready to go! 

As with 2022, we’ll have national experts Zoomed in to set up the topics for us and your District Staff will be on hand to guide you through the hands-on workshop portions of the day.”

With a Learning Circuit location in each District, choose the one that's most convenient:

  • Northwest: Sioux Center Public Library
  • North Central: Joice Community Center
  • Northeast: Central Rivers AEA (Cedar Falls)
  • Southwest: Carroll Public Library
  • Central: Bondurant Community Library
  • Southeast: Coralville Public Library

Registration is now open at the button below.  Note that your registration fee of $20 includes a continental breakfast and box lunch. The registration fee can be paid online with major credit card or e-check; checks will also be accepted by mail but must be received by September 12.


Register For Learning Circuits !  


Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit

Smithsonian Exhibit

Coming To Iowa In 2024

Next year, Iowa libraries will be eligible to host a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institute.  The exhibit is titled “Spark! Places of Innovation” and is made possible through a partnership among the Smithsonian Museum, the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Humanities Council. 

Spark! Places of Innovation is complete with photographs, engaging interactives, videos, and augmented reality.  This exhibit explores the unique combination of places, people, and circumstances that spark innovation and reveals why it flourishes in some rural places but not others.  The exhibition also serves as a springboard for local programming in the humanities, arts, and sciences, inspiring people to learn how innovation has impacted their communities and how they may become innovators themselves.

The Spark exhibit explores how innovation takes place, going beyond what we traditionally think of as innovation. What factors contribute to an atmosphere of creativity and risk taking? How is innovation expressed individually and as a community?  Everyday acts of invention are celebrated and Iowa is no exception to this rule—what innovation can your community celebrate? Spark! Places of Innovation gives you the structure and framework to showcase the best ways your community has approached and can approach these questions.

The exhibit is designed for small cultural organizations with limited access to traveling exhibitions due to space and cost limitations. Eligible host sites include small museums, public libraries, historical societies, cultural centers, and other community venues in towns with populations less than 20,000. 

Spark! Places of Innovation has been made possible in Iowa by the State Historical Society of Iowa. Spark! Places of Innovation is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and state humanities councils across the country. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.

This exhibit requires 750 feet of exhibit space, 8-foot ceilings, and access to electrical outlets. Sites are chosen based on the strength of proposed ideas for auxiliary events, meaningful partnerships, geographic location, and physical display space.  Preference is given to sites that have not recently hosted a Museum on Main Street exhibit and that do not charge admission. 

The application deadline is September 8.  Go for it, Iowa libraries!

Spark Exhibit Application


Save the Dates For ...

save the date

Educational Opportunities Ahead

In addition to the State Library Learning Circuit this fall, here are two other noteworthy education events to add to your calendar.  The 2023 Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference September 20-23 in Witchita, Kansas. 

That’s driveable for western Iowa people.  But if you’re not able to attend in-person, the ARSL Conference includes a virtual component as well.  Which is a great option because for ARSL members, the virtual attendance fee is $55.00.  Among the many breakout sessions planned are these:

  • AI: The Time-Saving Superhero for Libraries Everywhere
  • Adults Need to Play, Too
  • No More Summertime Blues: Shaking Up Summer Reading Programs to Make Them Work for You
  • Strategic Plan-It: Creating Your Evergreen Strategic Plan That Saves You Time & Money
  • Advocacy Solutions for Solo and Rural Libraries

The Association for Rural & Small Libraries is a professional network dedicated to the positive growth and development of libraries serving rural and small communities.  As the premier organization representing rural and small libraries, ARSL recognizes the uniqueness of small and rural libraries and is committed to providing an environment that encourages excellence within this community of practice, supporting their goals of service and speaking on behalf of this important constituency.

Registration For ARSL Conference


And The ILA Fall Conference

You’ll also want to save the date for the 2023 Iowa Library Association fall conference October 11-13 in Dubuque, Iowa.  Back at the Grand Harbor Resort Hotel, conference room rates hold through September 10th at $109.00 per night.  Keynote speakers have been announced, among them:

Rebekkah Smith Aldrich is the Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson Library System in New York State, co-founder and president of the Sustainable Libraries Initiative, and principal author of the award-winning Sustainable Library Certification Program.

KC Davis is the bestselling author of How To Keep House While Drowning. A licensed therapist, she is the creator of the popular Struggle Care website and the Domestic Blisters TikTok, where she shares her revolutionary approach to self care and home care for those dealing with mental health issues, physical illness, and hard seasons of life.


Registration For the ILA Conference


This Week ...


Pop YS Live: Baby Bounce Basics. 
August 9.  1:00-2:00PM

This session will teach the nuts and bolts of library programming for babies. What is a baby bounce? Which books are the right books for a baby storytime? How do you keep parents and caregivers engaged? Why are we even doing programming for little people who don’t know the ABCs? This program will go over the basics for those who might be new to baby programming, but will also help reenergize veterans.

Library for the Blind Webinar: Accessible STEM. 
August 10. 1:00-2:00PM   

This webinar will provide information and examples of accessible youth programming, including story time, crafts, and activities for youth and families. Pressenters will also feature accessible STEM Scale-Up programs from the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council.

Register For Both In IALearns


