Monday Morning Eye-Opener April 10, 2023

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April 17, 2023

Enrich Iowa Letters of Agreement


Ready to Sign, Due April 30

Iowa libraries of all types—public, college, schools, and specials—should have received a message from State Library Consultant Scott Dermont regarding Enrich Iowa Letters of Agreements (LOAs)  April is the month to renew your library’s participation in the Enrich Iowa Program.  Remember that Enrich Iowa is made up of three distinct programs: Open Access, ILL Reimbursement, and Direct State Aid which is the funding awarded for meeting public library standards. The agreements for FY 2024 are ready to go, find them by clicking the button below. 

To be part of Enrich Iowa in fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024) your Enrich Iowa Letter of Agreement is due at the State Library on or before April 30, 2023. Note that EI Agreement is available as a digital form only, we no longer accept faxed copies. 

Follow These Steps-to-Completion

  • Find the Enrich Iowa Agreement by clicking on the button below . Note the different agreements for different types of libraries, so be sure to open the agreement that matches your library type
  • Mark the boxes on the Agreement, making sure to check each box next to the program that you wish to participate in. You must check at least one box to submit the form. If you intend to participate in Direct State Aid reimbursement, you also need to participate in the Open Access Reimbursement and Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement programs. NOTE: Tier 0 libraries may only participate in Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement as of July 1, 2017
  • Within the orange text box, fill out the contact information and sign the Agreement. It can be signed by the library director or another signatory authority; the form uses digital signatures
  • Submit the EI Agreement by clicking the blue “Submit & Sign” button at the bottom of the screen. Once submitted, you will receive an email notice with an attached version of the completed document. You can keep the attached file for your records. Remember the deadline is April 30, 2023.

Scott will begin posting the EI Agreements as they are received at the State Library, so you can track your library’s status.  Contact Scott Dermont with questions  Thanks for your attention to this!

Enrich Iowa Letter of Agreement


Earth's Bounty in Iowa ...


A New Oral History Project

This spring, the State Library launched a new oral history project titled “Earth’s Bounty in Iowa: Then and Now.”  This project enables Iowans to tell their own stories about growing up on an Iowa farm.  Recorded narratives will focus on the firsthand experiences of Iowa farm families.  The interviews will be posted on the Iowa Heritage Digital Collection website, along with verbatim transcripts of the interviews.  

If you would like to listen to two sample recordings, and to read the verbatim transcripts,  click on the button below.  Coordinated by Helen Dagley, Reference Librarian with the State Library, here are some considerations to share with your patrons in promoting this oral history opportunity in your community:

Commonalities For “Earth’s Bounty” Interviews

  • Library staff at participating libraries will schedule the interviews and provide a staff member to ask the questions and record the interview
  • Interviewees will be asked the same set of eight questions (whether currently farming or no longer living on a farm)  Each interview should last up to 45 minutes
  • Participants will be asked to sign a written release, allowing the State Library to record and put their recorded words on the IHDC web site, and to allow researchers and the public to use the content of their interviews
  • Interviews will also be transcribed through a commercial service ( and posted on the IHDC web site.  State Library staff will transfer each interview to the IHDC web site
  • Each interview will be recorded on the same kind of portable recording device (Zoom H5) Devices will be sent from the State Library and returned to the State Library via IA Shares   
  • Each mailing will include a packet of information, instructions, and forms
  • We encourage interviewees to send us their photographs so that we can include them on the IHDC website alongside their interviews 
  • Library staff and the public will be invited to fill out a short, written evaluation of the process

If you have questions or if you’re ready to get started by booking an interview, contact Helen Dagley by phone or email: 515-281-3063 /


Listen to an “Earth’s Bounty” Recording





Celebrate Dia--Children's Book Day--April 30 

El día de los niños / El día de los libros (Children's Day / Book Day) commonly known as Día, is a celebration everyday of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30th.  Public and school libraries celebrate Dia, a national library program that fosters literacy for all children from all backgrounds.

Programs such as Día play a critical role in helping meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, while also fueling understanding and acceptance. This nationally recognized initiative was founded in 1997 by author and poet Pat Mora.

Common Goals of Dia

  • Celebrate children and connect them to the world of learning through books, stories, and libraries
  • Nurture cognitive and literacy development in ways that honor and embrace a child’s home language and culture
  • Introduce families to community resources that provide opportunities for learning through multiple literacies
  • Recognize and respect culture, heritage, and language as powerful tools for strengthening families and communities

ALA’s website has a press kit complete with posters, booklists for children grades PreK--8, and a public service announcement--all that at the button below.  Learn more about Children's Book Day and share your programming plans on Library Talk!

Learn More About Dia



Digital Services Town Hall Meetings
This Week ... 

 Specific Addresses At The Button Below
6:00PM At Each Location

April 17 @ Des Moines East Side Library

April 18 @ Northeast Iowa Community College in Dubuque

April 18 @ Southwestern Community College in Osceola

April 19 @ Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo  

April 20 @ Eastern Iowa Community College in Maquoketa

April 20 @ Indian Hills Community College in Centerville


Town Hall Meetings on Digital Services