Monday Morning Eye-Opener March 13, 2023

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March 13, 2023

Director Roundtables In May

Director RTs

A longtime staple in our Continuing Education calendar, Director Roundtables are coming back in May. Roundtables are another way we can go deeper into the annual CE theme. In a guided discussion format, library directors have a chance to connect with peers and learn from each other in applying and adapting ideas—this year, it’s partnership ideas. 

This spring, Director Roundtables will follow our overall education theme in 2023: “Productive Partnerships.”  With last year’s theme (“Make Room for Yes”) as a jumping off point, we’ll spend time this year discussing the benefits of finding partners in a common cause.  And we’ll discuss how productive partnerships can advance mutual missions for community betterment. Among likely partners to consider:

  • Teachers or school librarians
  • Other city departments
  • County or nearby libraries
  • Arts groups
  • Business community

Come ready to share success stories about the productive partnerships your library enjoys. With that as the main focus, there will also be time for open-ended conversation on other topics that attendees would like to discuss.

Thanks to Emily Bainter, a webpage displays all of the Director Roundtables happening across the state in May.  This helpful at-a-glance page shows all the dates and locations so you can match them against your calendar and choose the one that’s most convenient.  Obviously ample opportunties, so make plans to join your colleagues and State Library Staff at Director Roundtables in the merry month of May 😊

 Director Roundtables May 2023 Schedule 



Bridges Letter of Agreement Due March 31st

This reminder bears repeating because it concerns the annual Bridges Sign-UpBy March 31st, current Bridges libraries need to re-enroll to renew their participation.  It’s also the only opportunity during the year for libraries to join Bridges for the first time.
As of last week, there are 90 libraries that have not yet signed and returned their Letter
of Agreement
, so we ask that you see to this soon.

The first-year cost for a first-time participating library begins with a $400.00 set-up fee; to that, add an annual subscription fee based on city population.  Find the full cost on the State Library’s website, along with the Letter of Agreement for newcomers and current members alike, all found at the button below. 

The Bridges collection has grown considerably over the years to include magazines and streaming videos, in addition to eBooks and eAudiobooks.  Here are some impressive facts: at the end of FY2022, the Bridges collection held

  • 71,300 eBooks (titles)
  • 20,000 eAudiobooks (titles)
  • 4,000 magazines
  • 650 videos

In calendar year 2022, over 2,400,000 items were checked out. That number included

  • 1,187,411 eBooks
  • 1,120,767 audiobooks
  • 94,939 magazines

There are currently 482 members, with over 75,000 unique users statewide. Again, this is an annual enrollment period, so this month is the only opportunity this year for your library to join Bridges and begin providing this important service for your community.  Note that Bridges access is not part of the Open Access agreement; each library must subscribe in its own rite to provide the service to its residents. 


 Bridges Information Page


March Display Ideas ...


March Is Known For 

Turning the focus back to March, there are a host of things that the month is known for, leading to fun displays, website news, and social media posts.  St Patrick’s Day comes first to mind, but March was also Happy New Year for the ancient Romans!  In our time, March is a return to Daylight Saving Time, the first day of spring, and March Madness.  Plus these noteworthy events and historic milestones:

  • March is Womens' History Month
  • Alexander Graham Bell made the first-ever telephone call on March 10, 1876
  • Fast forward 130 years when Twitter first launched on March 21, 2006
  • President Kennedy founded the Peace Corp in March of 1961
  • March is National Disability Awareness Month
  • March 12 is National Girl Scout Day, 3/13 is Good Samaritan Day, 3/26 is National Spinach Day, 3/30 is National Take a Walk in the Park Day
  • Especially meaningful for libraries of all types everywhere: March 16 is Freedom of Information Day.

Of all the reasons to celebrate March, perhaps
Freedom of Information Day should top the list 😊 
Share photos of your library’s March display ideas on LibraryTalk


This Week ...


There’s a break in the education action this week until the STEM Fairs and Summer Reading Summits resume next week. 

 As of last Thursday, we're still short 90 Bridges Letters of Agreement.  Is your library among them?  It's easy to check on that!  There's a link on our website that opens to a PDF doc, showing the agreements that have come in so far. 

Please check whether your library's LOA has been received
Due Date March 31.  


BRIDGES Info and Letter of Agreement