HHS Weekly Alignment Update for December 9, 2022

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December 9, 2022

Weekly Alignment Update

Happy Friday Team HHS!

Today is a day I’m celebrating “firsts”! Congratulations to Janee Harvey, Lori Frick and Ken Sharp on their first days in their new leadership roles - which is today. Janee is the Family Well-Being and Protection Division Director, Lori is starting her first day as Child Protective Services Director in the Family Well-Being and Protection Division and Ken Sharp is officially starting as the Operations Deputy for the Public Health Division. We are thrilled to have these three individuals seated in their new roles and look forward to continuing our close work with them.


Phase 2 alignment projects are in full swing - please take a look at the long list of projects below. We are still in the process of finalizing timelines and milestones for these projects, but these are the alignment items we will be working on between now and June 30, 2023. We will be sharing project status updates with you, just like we did with our Phase 1 work.

  • HHS business operations plan/strategic plan
  • Ongoing re-branding of materials
  • Additional change management material development
  • Continued organizational culture focus
  • Combined HHS website enhancements
  • Hiring leadership positions contemplated in the new HHS table of organization
  • Continue to move employees to their new divisions
  • HHS agency policy development
  • Capitol complex space consolidation planning
  • IT infrastructure for space planning
  • Updated contracting and procurement templates
  • Notifications to federal agencies about the existence of the new department
  • FY24 budget loading & FY25 budget development
  • Administrative rule updates to implement the new agency structure
  • HHS intranet development

I hope you all read Director Garcia's message from Monday. It highlighted the HHS Intranet, which is a Phase 2 project. We are excited for this site to grow as more divisions launch their intranet pages. I encourage you to check the intranet on a regular basis and don't forget to order your HHS t-shirt if you haven’t already!


As a reminder, if you are interested in an HHS leadership position, please be sure to check the DAS website for HHS job postings regularly. Divisions are moving quickly to fill key positions - we don't want you to miss an opportunity to apply for a position you may be interested in! 


I’ve enjoyed a fun two weeks of Compliance "firsts" - Director Garcia held her first director level leadership meeting and I held my first Compliance leadership staff meeting last week. I also had the opportunity to participate in my first holiday celebration with the combined Contracts team - where we laughed and laughed about our white elephant gift exchange.

Sarah Reisetter

My White Elephant gift - lots of funny phrases in there!

I am looking forward to celebrating many more firsts as we continue to bring our legacy agencies together. Enjoy your weekend!
