HHS Weekly Alignment Update for November 18, 2022

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November 18, 2022

Weekly Alignment Update

Happy Friday Team HHS!


Our first ​employee engagement survey closed on Monday with a 49% response rate. A big thanks to those of you who participated. We are currently digging through the data and will be training supervisors about using the insights from the dashboards at our next large leadership meeting scheduled for November 30. We’ll be talking about how HHS can use the survey results to identify what is working well and what we can do better to improve engagement and employee satisfaction. One nice feature about the survey tool is that it displays the data in a variety of ways. Below are a couple examples.


This is a word Cloud that was created from the most used words in the comments.

Word cloud created from the most-used words in the comments.

The chart below reflects how you indicated you like to receive communication about alignment - spoiler alert - these emails will keep coming!

Bar graph indicates how you want to receive communications about alignment.

What's coming up next? We look forward to having the Administrative Rules and Appeals team join the Compliance Division in the Lucas Building on the 6th floor the week of December 5th!


We are also taking advantage of Vern’s last month in the department to continue working on transition plans for the new divisions of Community Access and Family Well-Being and Protection. The alignment team will be working with Vern, Janee and the leadership teams in ACFS, Field and Public Health to develop plans for how we will begin the transition to our new division structure for these two new organizational units. It’s incredible to see all of this coming together!


Due to the short week next week, you’ll hear from me again on 12/2/22. I hope you all have some time over the next week to do things that fill your cup. I’m looking forward to spending time with our extended family and hoping for a warm enough day to get on the roof to hang Christmas lights - outdoor lights are my favorite part of the holiday season! 

Thankful for this team ~
