Boards Should Ensure That Staff Continue To Be Paid
Because of the Coronavirus crisis, hundreds of Iowa libraries have closed to the public, although staff are still working behind the scenes. Today's edition of Monday Morning Eye-Opener looked at just a few of many things that library staff can be doing in the interim; that article is reprinted below.
In this anxious and difficult time, the State Library urges all Iowa public library boards to ensure that their staff continue to be paid. Remember that your library staff wages have been budgeted for this current fiscal year 2020. In fact, staff wages have been budgeted for FY2021, the new fiscal year which begins July 1st. No doubt, your board developed and presented its operating budget to the city council this past fall, including funding for salaries and all other line item expenses. Please do not consider curtailing library staff salaries as a cost-saving measure; this money has already been allocated to the library budget.
If your staff continues working in the building, make sure that the director is enforcing precautionary measures surrounding the Coronavirus: social distancing, hand washing, disinfecting common surfaces, etc.
Review your city-library ordinance for board authority in matters of personnel. The vast majority of Iowa library boards (with only a few exceptions) have within their POWERS & DUTIES "to employ a librarian, and authorize the librarian to employ such assistants and employees as may be necessary for the proper management of the library, and fix their compensation; provided that prior to such employment, the compensation of the librarian, assistants, and employees hall have been fixed and approved by the majority of the members of the board voting in favor thereof..."
If the proposal to diminish or discontinue library staff wages is coming from the city clerk's office or the mayor's office, then library trustees must make the above point understood. The decision to continue to pay library staff, even though the building is closed to normal foot traffic, is within the rightful and legal authority of the library board.
There is ample work that can be done by library directors and staff (see second article below) However, staff should not be coerced or required to work in light of the current COVID19 situation. Trustees should have such conversations with the library director, who is responsible for staff supervision and scheduling.
We look to the public library boards in Iowa for a great many things, not the least of which is to be citizen advocates. Library trustees must ensure a sustained budget, defend intellectual freedom, advocate for advancements, and above all--support the library staff who make great customer service and programming happen every day.
Mike Wight, Director of the Dubuque County Library System, recently shared his library board's position with us and it's worth sharing here: "they supported closing the main library and branches. They remain committed to paying staff for their scheduled hours, full-time or part-time, whether there is work to do or if we run out of work and send them home. The library will continue to pay insurance and other benefits, etc. There was never any question about doing the right thing..."
Please contact consulting staff at the State Library of Iowa with questions. Thanks for all you do!