Telephone: (808) 241-4800 TTY: (808) 241-5116

Elections Division Office of the County Clerk
4386 Rice Street, Suite 101 Līhu'e, Kaua'i, Hawai'i 96766-1819
LYNDON M. YOSHIOKA Deputy County Clerk
Facsimile: (808) 241-6207 Email: elections@kauai.gov
Contact: Lyndon M. Yoshioka
October 4, 2024
(808) 241-4800
Voters impacted by the Keālia post office closure urged to reregister to vote
Līhu‘e, Kaua‘i – The Elections Division is urging voters who held PO Boxes at the now closed Keālia Post Office to reregister to vote with a new mailing address so their ballot packet can be mailed to the correct address.
As a reminder, unlike regular mail, the United States Postal Service can only deliver a ballot packet to the address on the packet. A ballot packet cannot be forwarded to another address even if a voter filed a forwarding order with the USPS. This requirement is established to validate voter mailing addresses and helps to maintain the overall integrity of the voter file.
Impacted voters can reregister via one of the following options.
1) Voters holding a valid Hawai‘i Driver’s License can reregister using the Hawai‘i Online Voter Registration System at https://olvr.hawaii.gov/.
2) Paper Hawai‘i Voter Registration Applications can be downloaded and printed at https://elections.hawaii.gov/register-to-vote/registration/.
3) Impacted voters are also welcome to complete an Application at the Elections Division located at 4386 Rice Street in Līhu‘e.
For additional information, please contact the Elections Division of the Office of the County Clerk at (808) 241-4800.
Elections Division
4386 Rice Street, Suite 101 Līhu‘e, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i 96766
Email: elections@kauai.gov