City of Sarasota: Share your input on City Commission items with eComments

Share your input on City Commission items with eComments

The City of Sarasota is reminding residents they can utilize eComments, an online tool aimed at increasing participation in public meetings and making it easier for members of the public to share their opinions.
Post Date: 01/27/2022 3:51 PM

Contact:  Jason Bartolone, Communications Specialist   941-928-3988;


Commission Chambers

Sarasota, FL:  The City of Sarasota is reminding residents they can utilize eComments, an online tool aimed at increasing participation in public meetings and making it easier for members of the public to share their opinions.

Once a meeting agenda is published on the City’s website, citizens can review details and indicate their position on a particular item. After creating an account and logging into the system on any device, users can specify their position on an item (support, oppose or neutral) and leave comments, which will be consolidated by the City Auditor and Clerk’s Office, provided to City Commissioners in advance of the meeting and saved as part of the meeting record afterward.

The City Auditor and Clerk’s office launched eComments last summer as a way to make citizen involvement more convenient and accessible. The character count for eComments was recently increased to allow up to 2,500 characters, or about 400 to 500 words.

Agendas are typically posted on the City’s website 10 days in advance of a meeting and can be viewed by clicking on the “Meetings/Agendas/Video” button on From there, click on the “eComments” link found next to the upcoming meeting agenda. The agenda for the Feb. 7 City Commission is now available online. eComments will be accepted for agenda items that allow citizens input up until 72 hours prior to the start of a meeting.

Other ways to get involved 

Individuals can also provide public input in person during meetings at City Hall, 1565 First St., or via Zoom (email by 5 p.m. the Friday prior to a regular City Commission meeting for instructions). Written comments can also be sent to the City Commission on any topic at any time by emailing

To sign up to receive email notifications on City Commission agendas, our City News e-newsletter or other information from the City, visit, click on the Menu tab, choose “Services” and click on “email subscriptions.” 

City Commission meetings can be viewed live on the City’s website, on Access Sarasota television (Comcast channel 19, Frontier channel 32) and on the City’s Facebook page (search for “City of Sarasota, Government”). 

For more information, contact the City Auditor and Clerk’s office at 941-263-6222 or


About the City of Sarasota:  Distinguished by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top 10 Best Places to Live in the U.S., the City of Sarasota is a diverse and inclusive community located on Florida’s Suncoast with 56,000 year-round residents, several internationally recognized cultural arts venues, stunning sunsets along Lido Beach and Major League spring training baseball with the Baltimore Orioles.  Learn more about us at www.SarasotaFL.Gov.