National Engineers Week Feb. 19 - 25
The work of engineers impacts our lives daily, from the roads and bridges we travel to stormwater drainage management and traffic calming measures. These folks took school seriously and learned all the stuff many people dodge.
Maple and Cream
Maple and Cream, a breakfast and lunch spot at the north end of Plantation Walk, quietly opened on Thursday. The location is at the old Rena’s Flowers of Merritt, 375 N. University Drive. Hours are 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Owner-operator is David Gonzalez (pictured above), a long time chef with decades of restaurant experience.
Their tagline is “Modern Dishes That Capture the Flavor of the Season.” I grabbed a menu and saw brown sugar pancakes, a ribeye skillet, and tempura fried grouper sandwich.
A meeting to gain resident input on multimodal transportation in Plantation is set for 6:00 pm Tuesday, Feb. 28th, at City Hall.
We know there is plenty of automotive traffic in our city. This meeting presents some options to make the city more traversable on foot or via bicycle. So it’s about sidewalks, crosswalks, bike paths, and roadways. The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (Broward MPO) will set up displays.
For more information, please visit
For more information on community meetings and other planned events, please visit
The City Council provided consensus on the utilization of the balance of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds at the Feb. 23 meeting. Plantation received just over $13M in ARPA funds.
Previous allocations include funding to assist residents struggling to pay their water bill ($1.4M) and to resume the capital projects that were deferred in FY 2021 ($1.6M). These federal funds were also dedicated toward the fire rescue apparatus ($1.2M), the Stormwater Master Plan ($1.3M), sewer mains and laterals lining ($2.4M), COVID-19 Mitigation ($150k), and ERP system ($750k).
Wednesday night, the City Council agreed to allocate $1M to help equip the Plantation Police Department with body-worn cameras and $3.3M to facilitate the implementation of ADA deficiency remediation as part of our ADA Transition and Multimodal Master Transportation plans.
We have worked collaboratively to ensure that the ARPA funds are used to move the City forward and have the broadest positive impact on our community.