April 26, 2024 through May 2, 2024
This report represents some events the FWC handled over specified weeks; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.
Escambia County
- Officer McHenry located the owner of a large vessel that washed ashore near the Garcon Point Bridge and issued him a notice to appear for a derelict vessel violation. The owner had received numerous citations for at-risk vessel violations in the last year but was unable to keep his vessel anchored and in operable condition.
Franklin County
- Officers Nelson, Hartzog, L. Mcleod, Johnson II, and Allen observed a commercial vessel trawling while they were on night patrol on Apalachicola Bay. The officers stopped the vessel to conduct a resource and turtle excluder device (TED) inspection. During the inspection, the commercial anglers were observed to be trawling with nets over 500 square feet and their TEDs were not correctly placed in the nets. The violations were cited accordingly, and the nets were seized as evidence.
- Officers Hartzog and Johnson II were patrolling John Gorrie Bridge and observed two individuals fishing on the causeway under the bridge. They observed one of the subjects harvest a red drum and place it in a nearby cooler. The officers announced themselves and asked to conduct a resource inspection. The inspection revealed the subject was over his daily bag limit of red drum and in possession of multiple undersized red drum. The violations were cited accordingly.
- Officers Hartzog and Johnson II were patrolling on Bay Avenue in Apalachicola and observed a commercial fishing vessel with three individuals on board returning to the Ten Foot Hole Boat Ramp. The officers observed gear consistent with offshore fishing and stopped the vessel to conduct a resource inspection. During the inspection, the subjects were observed to be in possession of commercial quantities of kingfish harvested in federal waters with an expired federal permit. The officers documented the violations and forwarded details of the violation to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Santa Rosa County
- Officers Bower and Brown were on patrol in Blackwater River and observed a vessel operating without proper navigation lights. A vessel stop was conducted. The owner of the vessel had an active warrant and was arrested and transported to Santa Rosa County Jail.
- Officers Bower and Wilkerson were on patrol near Blackwater River and received a call of a juvenile operating a personal watercraft (PWC) in a careless manner. The officers attempted to stop them by initiating blue lights and sirens, the subjects continued navigating down the river at a high rate of speed in a no wake zone. The subjects appeared to be operating in a manner to avoid the officers. The officers navigated to the boat ramp and made contact with the subjects and addressed several violations. It was determined the father allowed his 9-year-old son to operate the PWC by himself. The father was issued a notice to appear for the violations.
- Officer Brown was on patrol conducting resource and license inspections when he observed two individuals fishing at a local boat ramp. Upon inspection, neither of the subjects had a valid fishing license and one of the subjects had his fishing rights suspended for over a year. Both subjects were cited appropriately.
- Officers Bower and Brown were on patrol when they observed a subject throwing a cast net in freshwater. The officers observed the subject catch a fish with his cast net and throw the fish in his vessel. The officers proceeded to conduct a boating and resource inspection on the vessel and the officers found multiple violations with the vessel including the vessel did not have a HIN number attached. The officers also located a bream the subject caught with his cast net. Upon interview, the subject admitted to catching the bream with his cast net. The subject was also found to be fishing on a suspended fishing license. The subject was cited appropriately.
- Officer Bower attended a Military Earth Day outreach event and connected with more than 125 participants. Officer Bower answered questions and interacted with the public while providing valuable education that focused on hunting, fishing, conservation and water safety.
Santa Rosa County
- Officer Land participated in a public outreach event for Gulf Breeze Middle School. He displayed an FWC patrol vessel at Shoreline Park and talked to students about the importance of conservation, why hunting and fishing regulations are important, and the role of an FWC officer. He also spoke to them about nautical terminology, boating safety requirements, and answered many questions throughout the day.
Walton County
- Recruiter K. Hellett, Senior Officer Rockwell, K-9 Officer Graves, and Senior Officer Brooks participated in Pirate Career Exploration Day at Ponce De Leon High School. The officers discussed their job requirements, duties and responsibilities, and benefits of working as an FWC officer. The officers spoke with 205 students and displayed their 24’ patrol vessel and patrol trucks. K-9 Timber was also present and was a big hit with the kids.
- While on patrol in federal waters south of Franklin County, Officers Hartzog, Nelson, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Enforcement Officer M. Robb observed a recreational fishing vessel with two individuals on board who were fishing. As the officers initiated their emergency lights and pulled alongside the vessel to conduct an inspection, one of the subjects discarded a red snapper over the side of the vessel. The officers conducted a resource and boating safety inspection that revealed the subjects were in possession of out-of-season red snapper, over their daily bag limit of red grouper, and undersized red grouper. Officers also inspected another cooler with a large plastic bag containing out-of-season red snapper and out-of-season greater amberjack fillets. The officers documented the violations and forwarded details of the violation to NOAA.
Baker County
- Officers Waychoff and Kingsley were on patrol when they observed two off-highway vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed on a paved highway in Baker County. During the subsequent traffic stop, one of the operators gave a false name and then fled from officers on an all-terrain vehicle. The subject was identified using body camera video and a records check revealed an active warrant out of Duval County. A warrant for a felony and several misdemeanors was issued by the Baker County Judge.
- While inbound from federal water patrol, the crew of patrol vessel Sentinel observed a trawler within Florida’s state waters of Duval County trawling with doors and nets in the water during the April and May closure. Officers issued a notice to appear to the captain of the vessel.
Indian River County
- After concluding a week-long investigation of a local orange grove, Lieutenant Lightsey issued four subjects notice to appear citations for hunting wild hogs at night on private property without landowner permission.
Marion County
- Officers were on patrol during the Mayhem at Lake George, an event held May 4 that attracted hundreds of boats. FWC officers along with law enforcement from partner agencies worked to ensure public safety during the event. Officers cited three subjects for boating under the influence during the event.
St. Johns County
- While conducting fisheries inspections at a local boat ramp, Senior Officer Thomas observed a vessel returning from offshore. Upon contact, the owner stated they had vermilion snapper on board. During the inspection, the officer located a red grouper. Grouper season is currently closed. An occupant claimed to have harvested the red grouper and was issued a citation for possession of grouper during closed season.
Putnam County
- FWC units from Putnam, Marion, Flagler and St. Johns counties responded to the Ocala National Forest to assist Putnam County Sheriff’s Office with locating a subject thought to be suicidal. Units searching the area discovered the subject. Putnam County Sheriff’s Office responded appropriately to provide emergency mental health services.
Brevard County
Officers partnered with a local landowner to host a youth hunt in which six youth from three different high schools around the area were able to participate. The officers taught the youth about conservation, hunting methods, gun safety, and more. They had the opportunity to take a wild hog, with 13 wild hogs harvested. This was a great opportunity for the kids, the landowner, and officers to work together to create future stewards of our natural resources.
Broward County
- Officer Bruder and Captain Hart conducted a fisheries inspection on a vessel with fishing rods displayed at the Port Everglades Inlet. Officer Bruder observed several fish on the deck of the vessel and the inspection revealed the subjects were in possession of several undersized triggerfish and red porgies. Bruder issued both subjects notice to appear citations for undersized triggerfish and red porgies, over the bag of red porgy, marine life not kept alive (dead pork fish) and marine life no circulating live well.
- Officer Hammad conducted a fisheries inspection on a vehicle at the A-1 FEB area. The subject admitted to catching several fish with a cast net. Hammad inspected a cooler and observed the subject to be in possession of 12 black bass with seven black bass over the legal limit. Hammad issued the subject notice to appear citations for illegal method of taking gamefish and over the bag limit of black bass.
- While conducting water patrol at Port Everglades Inlet, Officer Bruder and Lieutenant Harp observed two subjects fishing on the closed jetty at Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park. They observed one subject put fish in a cooler and the other subject take fish behind a building and return without it. Bruder and Harp conducted a fisheries inspection that revealed both subjects were in possession of undersized mutton snapper. Bruder issued both subjects notice to appear citations for the violation.
- Officers Comartin and Bovee observed a vehicle driving carelessly, nearly causing several vehicle accidents. Officers conducted a vehicle stop for a careless driving investigation, which revealed the subject’s driver’s license was suspended, and he did not have vehicle insurance. Comartin issued the subject notice to appear citations for driving while license suspended with knowledge third offence, operating a vehicle without insurance, careless driving and possession of expired registration.
- FWC officers along with law enforcement officers from partner agencies patrolled during the April 28 Boca Bash. The event draws thousands of people in boats, personal watercraft and kayaks to Lake Boca. Officers were on hand to help ensure public safety and made 20 arrests related to boating under the influence.
Glades County
- Officer Ciprich was patrolling the Moore Haven area when he observed a vehicle parked in front of a “No Trespassing” sign leading to a water management structure. Officer Ciprich found a group of people fishing in freshwater with a cast net. One subject was found to have a largemouth bass. The subject was issued a notice to appear for harvesting freshwater gamefish by illegal method and warnings were issued for the trespass violations.
Hendry County
- Officers Ciprich and Pridgen observed two subjects in Stormwater Treatment Area 5. The subjects were fishing with a cast net in freshwater. The STA is currently closed to public access and is always closed to fishing. The officers conducted a resource inspection and found a bass hidden on the bank. Further inspection revealed five largemouth bass, a bluegill, and a crappie harvested with the cast net, which is an illegal method of taking freshwater gamefish. The subjects were issued citations for no fishing licenses and issued a notice to appear for harvesting freshwater gamefish by illegal method.
Martin County
- While working the wild hog still hunt at Dupuis Wildlife and Environmental Area, Officer Harris encountered a subject with a rifle and wearing a camouflage hat and a blaze orange vest exiting an area posted as "Closed to Hunting." Upon contact with the subject, it was discovered the subject had been charged with the same violation inside the same management area a year before. The officer issued the subject a citation for the violations.
Palm Beach County
- Officer Brevik was patrolling the J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area when he located multiple vehicles operating illegally off-trail. The officer conducted a traffic stop to address the violation and observed multiple cast nests, coolers, and buckets in the back of one of the vehicles. The officer inspected the coolers and found a variety of freshwater fish including panfish. During questioning, one of the subjects admitted to cast netting all the fish. The subject was found to have harvested 191 panfish with his cast net. The legal bag limit of panfish is 50. The subject was cited for harvesting over the bag limit of panfish and for the illegal method of taking panfish.
- Officer Sellers was patrolling South Florida Water Management District Property on the L8 levee when she observed a vehicle illegally operating on the levee. She conducted a traffic stop to address the violation and during the investigation, she found the subject had been issued two warnings for the previous violation. The subject was issued a citation for the violation.
- Officer Wences observed a vehicle parked outside of a closed area at Stormwater Treatment Area 1 West. Upon further investigation, Officer Wences discovered the owner of the vehicle inside a closed area on the STA. The subject had entered where there was posted signage stating the area was closed to public access. The subject was cited accordingly.
- Officer Harris observed a pickup truck inside Stormwater Treatment Area 1 West beyond all the locked gates. During his investigation, Officer Harris discovered the subject accessed the area via a closed levee. Furthermore, the subject had several prior charges for trespassing on South Florida Water Management District land. The subject was cited for both violations regarding illegal entry/exit on SFWMD land and unauthorized vehicle on SFWMD land.
Collier County
- Officers Yurewitch and Aliff and Investigator Rubenstein conducted a resource inspection during an individual fishing quota landing. The officers arrived at the commercial landing location at the time designated but found no vessel. After two hours the vessel arrived. The vessel was in violation of stipulations pertaining to landing with a federally permitted vessel. The operator was also found to not have pertinent turtle excluder devices required for federal commercial fishing vessel. Other issues were noted pertaining to sale and transaction of the fish on board. The incident was documented and forwarded to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for review.
- Officer Aliff and Investigator Rubenstein were on patrol of Rookery Bay and removed an invasive Burmese Python from entering the preserve. The snake was turned over to the biologist for research.
Miami-Dade County
- Officers Presser and A. Perez conducted a vessel stop on a 26-foot vessel outside of Government Cut south of South Pointe Pier. An off-duty officer had seen the subjects release an undersized grouper and it had floated away because of barotrauma. The officers inspected the vessel, and they were in possession of another grouper. When the captain was asked for a descending device, he admitted to not having one. The stop resulted in a citation for not having a descending device while in possession of grouper.
- Investigator Rubenstein conducted an outreach event at Palmetto Ridge High school for the high school students and the "Little Bears" preschool. Investigator Rubenstein read to the class and introduced the students to some of our local wildlife species in an educational talk about native wildlife in southwest Florida.