March 17 through March 23, 2023
This report represents some events the FWC handled over specified weeks; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.
Holmes County
- Officers Fowler and Touchton were on patrol targeting potential wild turkey hunting violations prior to the season opening. While on a parcel of private property, the officers discovered an area baited with grain. The officers returned to the property and discovered two subjects hunting wild turkeys the day prior to the opening of the season. The subjects were cited for attempting to take wild turkeys during the closed season, attempting to take wild turkeys over bait, and additional license violations.
Jackson County
- Officer H. Forehand responded to a citizen complaint regarding trespass on private property. Officer Forehand located the subject’s truck and interviewed the subject when he exited the woods. The subject was hunting with a rifle on land he had permission to hunt. However, a records check revealed the hunter was a convicted felon. Charges were filed through the state attorney’s office for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
- Officers E. Meade and Forehand located two baited blinds prior to the start of spring turkey season. On the opening morning of the season, the officers located hunters at both blinds calling and hunting for turkeys within 30 yards of wheat and cracked corn. Both hunters were cited for hunting wild turkeys over bait.
Washington County
- Officers Fowler and Touchton responded to a complaint of possible night hunting. While investigating, the officers heard a shot and saw a light being displayed. Further investigation revealed a subject had fired a shot in the proximity of a game feeding station. No game violations were discovered, but it was determined the subject was a convicted felon. The subject was cited for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Citrus County
- Lieutenant Ransom and Lieutenant Rice were patrolling the Withlacoochee River during the opening weekend of spring turkey season. Lieutenant Ransom located a vessel concealed up a canal off the river. Lieutenant Ransom conducted surveillance of the vessel, which was unoccupied and contained empty gun cases. A short time later, a subject dressed in camouflage and carrying a shotgun was observed walking through the woods to the vessel. While interviewing the subject, Lieutenant Ransom and Lieutenant Rice heard a shotgun shot near their location. Shortly after the shot, a second subject was observed, who was also wearing camouflage clothing and carrying a shotgun. It was found both subjects were illegally wild turkey hunting on Southwest Florida Water Management District property. The hunters were issued notice to appear citations for hunting in a closed area.
Columbia County
- Senior Officers Yates and Johnston were notified about two individuals turkey hunting on private property without permission. The officers arrived and with the help of K-9 Camo/Handler Officer Gill, the officers found a recently harvested wild turkey with the breast meat removed. The investigation revealed the two men were hunting on property they did not have permission to hunt and had harvested a wild turkey. Charges are being filed with the State Attorney’s Office for felony trespass, along with one subject being cited for not having a hunting license, a turkey permit, or proof of a hunter safety course.
- Senior Officer Yates, Lieutenants Kiss, and Douglas along with K-9 Camo/Handler Officer Gill were called regarding felony trespass onto private property in western Columbia County. The incident was initiated by a 911 call to the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office. Upon arrival, the officers searched the densely wooded area but did not locate the subject. The next day, Lieutenants Kiss and Douglas returned to the area and located two spent shotgun shells, two shotgun wads, and numerous turkey feathers from a kill site. Officer Yates is following up on the investigation with charges pending.
Duval County
- Officers Austin and Goodfellow conducted inspections of retail seafood dealers in Jacksonville. The inspection of one retail dealer location uncovered the retail license for the business had been expired since 2021. Also, there were untagged shellfish for sale on display. Citations were issued to the owner of the business for the violations.
- Officers Schirbock and Tyler responded to a call that a boat had broken from its anchor and was against a local bridge. Jacksonville Fire Department and Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office marine units also responded and relocated and secured the unoccupied vessel. Tyler was able to locate the vessel owner at their residence where they were issued a citation for their vessel being in an at-risk condition as their vessel’s anchor had broken free allowing the boat to drift.
- Officer Tyler responded to a local fish management area after an officer from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office called in about a person using a cast net in one of the management area’s ponds where the use of cast nets is prohibited. Officer Tyler was able to speak with the reporting officer and obtained photos taken of the person using the cast net. Tyler contacted the subject who also had a bucket with panfish they had caught with the cast net. The subject was issued a citation for the violation.
Suwannee County
- Officers Boone and Nichols were working an active bait site for wild turkeys on the opening morning of the spring season. The officers observed two hunters come to the baited area and begin calling for wild turkeys. The adult hunter was cited for attempting to take wild turkey over a baited area.
Union County
- Senior Officers Burnsed and Gill worked at several local hunting clubs for the opening of spring turkey season. Senior Officer Gill deployed K-9 Camo, who assisted in locating active bait locations. A total of six hunters were checked. Four of the hunters were determined to be hunting over bait and within one hundred yards of a feeding station. The four hunters were charged with the violation.
Citrus County
- Officer Hughes was on land patrol in Citrus Wildlife Management Area during the opening day of the spring turkey quota hunt. He observed a hunter at the check station with a bearded turkey he had shot that morning. Officer Hughes conducted an inspection and asked the hunter to see in the backseat of his truck where the hunter kept his shotgun and hunting gear. After getting consent to search, Officer Hughes noticed turkey feathers and a turkey foot sticking out of the hunter’s ground blind bag behind the passenger seat. The hunter immediately stated it was his decoys. Officer Hughes inspected further and confirmed that it was a second bearded turkey the hunter had killed. In Citrus Wildlife Management Area, only one bearded wild turkey per quota permit is allowed. The subject was cited accordingly.
- Officers Edwards, Rowe, and Clark worked to support a kids’ fishing clinic at the Steinhatchee Marina at Deadman Bay. There were approximately 50 to 60 youth in attendance. They set up a table with multiple activity books, regulation handbooks, pencils, measuring devices, wrist bands, mini hand sanitizers, and multiple other items for the participants. They also helped the kids catch fish, unhook fish and put bait on.
- Officer Schirbock and Investigators Hoover and Izsak represented the agency at a local church event where they spoke with approximately 50 teachers, students and their parents about the duties of a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officer. They also provided information about boating and hunting safety and wildlife identification.
- Officer Schirbock, Investigators Holleman and Hoover, K-9 Striker, and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Jacksonville field office staff assistant Buchanan attended an event at a local school in Jacksonville where they provided education about various wildlife. K-9 demonstrations were conducted to show Striker’s skills at tracking and detection. Approximately 100 third grade students were in attendance.
St. Johns County
- While conducting state fisheries inspections, Officer Self checked several anglers at the St. Augustine Fishing Pier. While inspecting multiple subjects, Officer Self observed one nervous person who kept opening and closing a nearby cooler. Inside the cooler, Officer Self located an undersized pompano, undersized Spanish mackerel, and 94 Atlantic croakers, which is 44 over the bag limit. As a result, the subject was issued citations for the violations.
- Officer Self coordinated a St. Patrick's Day detail that focused on boating under the influence violations. The detail was worked in conjunction with the St. John's County Sheriff's Office and the Florida Highway Patrol. Lieutenant Miller and Officers Thomas, Christmas, and Chamberlain assisted in the countywide effort. Although no impaired operators were encountered, the officers addressed numerous boating safety and resource violations. Members of the community expressed their gratitude for the enforcement presence on the water.
Sumter County
- Lieutenant Dias responded to information regarding a wild turkey harvested illegally on private property without permission. To aid the investigation, Lieutenant Dias requested the assistance of K-9 Officer Simpson and K-9 Moose to conduct an article search and assist in tracking the subject, who had fled the area on foot. While tracking the subject for approximately two miles, the officers located where a second turkey had been illegally harvested approximately 15 yards from a feeding station baited with cracked corn. As the officers neared the end of the track, it was determined the subject had left the area in a vehicle. The officers identified and interviewed the subject for the initial trespass violation and a second subject was identified as the person who shot the second turkey over bait. Charges will be filed through the State Attorney's Office for trespass by a projectile, simple trespass, and taking wild turkey within 100 yards of an active feeding station.
Putnam County
- Lieutenant Jones and Officer Norris conducted a resource inspection on a group of turkey hunters. The hunters were found to be in possession of a wild turkey that had been harvested earlier in the morning on a different property. It was determined the turkey had been moved from its harvest location without being reported. The hunter was issued a citation for the violation.
Lake County
- Officer Specialist Christmas and Officer Cameron were on patrol when they observed a vessel approaching a local boat ramp with fishing rods on board. They approached to conduct a freshwater fisheries and boating safety inspection. During the inspection, they observed impairment when interacting with the operator. The subject performed Standardized Field Sobriety Tasks and ultimately was arrested for boating under the influence.
Volusia County
- Lieutenant Edson and Officers Fletcher, Vanas, Cornell, Cameron, Dickson, Flynn, Christmas, Thomas, and Lawrence worked a targeted enforcement action for boating safety in response to a social media organized event at the Silver Glen near Lake George. Hundreds of vessels were in attendance and officers issued 55 written warnings, 19 uniform boating citations, and investigated and charged four individuals for boating under the influence.
- Officer Cornell investigated a baited field on the opening weekend of the spring turkey hunting season. Officer Cornell located two subjects hunting wild turkey within 100 yards of bait. Both subjects were charged appropriately.
Sumter County
- Senior Officer Phillips was on patrol and located a blind with corn on the ground within 100 yards of the blind. On opening morning of spring turkey season, Officer Phillips returned to the area and located a subject hunting wild turkey within 100 yards of the baited area. The subject was cited appropriately.
Volusia County
- Officers Cornell, Velez, Stoker, Bertolami, Wingard, Hastings, Robinson, K-9 Officer North and Lieutenant Eason responded to assist Ormond Beach Police Department (OBPD) in searching for an individual with memory care needs who was lost in a thick wooded area near Timber Creek. After an extensive search by land and water, Officer Velez located the individual alert and conscious south of the creek in dense vegetation. FWC officers along with OBPD carried the patient out of the vegetation to awaiting EMS personnel. OBPD was grateful for the FWC’s assistance.
Hillsborough County
- Lieutenant Pettifer and Officer Specialist Caldwell observed a vehicle parked next to a local fish management area while on patrol. The officers located a subject throwing a cast net and placing fish into a bucket. While inspecting the catch they found 12 bluegill, three crappie and one largemouth bass. Officer Caldwell issued the subject a notice to appear for harvesting freshwater game fish with a cast net, the same violation the officer had cited the subject for previously.
- While on patrol, Lieutenant Pettifer observed several individuals packing up their cast nets and bucket after fishing the bypass canal. Lieutenant Pettifer conducted an inspection of their bucket and found several game fish including a largemouth bass. He asked them if they had more fish in their vehicle to which they responded they did not. After walking them back to their vehicle, he observed another cast net in the back of their truck and a bucket containing more freshwater fish . The individual was issued a citation for harvest of freshwater game fish by illegal method.
- While on patrol, Officer Conrad and Lieutenant Pettifer responded to information they received about individuals keeping undersize mangrove snapper at a local boat ramp. While Lieutenant Pettifer talked to one of subjects, another subject began walking toward their bucket at the end of the ramp. Lieutenant Pettifer approached the other individuals and stated “stop law enforcement,” however, the subject picked fish out of the bucket and threw them into the water. The individual later admitted he threw the fish because he had left court that day for fish violations and did not want another ticket. During this time, Officer Conrad observed the first subject dump a bucket of fish behind a palm tree and then move away. When Lieutenant Pettifer questioned the subject, he denied he had caught anything. Lieutenant Pettifer advised the subject that his partner was watching him and saw him hide the fish. The officers found nine undersize mangrove snappers. Both individuals were cited for interference of an FWC officer, and one suspect received citations for undersize and over the bag limit of mangrove snapper.
- While on water patrol in Old Tampa Bay, Officer Resendez responded to a call involving an overturned kayak and person in the water near the Gandy bridge. The sun had already set when Officer Resendez piloted his patrol vessel through choppy seas and high winds to the Gandy Bridge. While executing a search pattern to look for the kayak and missing person, the officer noticed a faint light south of the bridge near Hula Bay. He headed toward that location, which was in the main shipping channel where a large passenger vessel was about the transit through. As he approached, he discovered an individual sitting in a kayak and alongside him was an empty kayak and another individual clinging to the side with his head just above the water. Officer Resendez pulled the victim from the water and retrieved the other person and both kayaks as the large passenger vessel passed a few feet from their location. One of the individuals appeared to be suffering from shock and hypothermia and was turned over to emergency medical services at the boat ramp.
- Officer Georgevich was on foot patrol in an area known to have a robust wild turkey population. He could hear what sounded like someone using a turkey call near a known bait site. From a concealed location, he located a hunting blind with two occupants inside as well as a tripod feeder and a hen turkey decoy in the immediate vicinity. The officer conducted a resource inspection and determined the subjects were hunting wild turkey within 100 yards of bait. Both subjects were cited accordingly.
Pinellas County
- While on land patrol, Lieutenant Bibeau received information about an individual catching a large quantity of sheepshead with a cast net. He arrived on scene a short time later and located an individual matching the provided description and watched the individual from a concealed location. He conducted a fisheries inspection when the subject returned to the shoreline and found the individual to be in possession of 27 sheepshead, 23 of which were under the minimum size limit of 12 inches. He issued the individual two misdemeanor citations for possession of undersized sheepshead and harvesting over the daily bag limit of sheepshead.
Hendry County
- Officer Pridgen was working a possible trespass complaint and located one of the possible subjects along a canal on a different piece of privately owned property. Officer Pridgen observed the subject put a line around a large alligator and tie it off to a rock. The subject was then seen retrieving a rifle and shooting the alligator. Alligator season is currently closed. Once confronted, the subject fled on foot. The subject left behind evidence, and after a brief chase, Officer Pridgen went back to secure the evidence. Officer Wences and Senior Officer Polly went to the scene to assist. The officers identified the subject through the evidence left behind and are in the process of filing for an arrest warrant through the state attorney’s office.
Palm Beach County
- Officer Stiltner responded to a complaint of subjects poaching grouper in the vicinity of Boynton Inlet. While conducting surveillance, Officer Stiltner observed a subject fishing who fit the description provided. Upon inspection, Officer Stiltner found the out-of-state resident to be in possession of an undersized black grouper. The undersized and out-of-season grouper was concealed in his vehicle. The subject was taken into custody and booked into the Palm Beach County Jail.
Dade County
- After conducting an initial inspection for a requested authorization of a kangaroo, Captive Wildlife Investigator Fernandez noticed two bird cages hanging from a small house on the property that contained a painted bunting and an indigo bunting. The property owner claimed possession of both birds and was issued two charges for unlawful possession of migratory songbirds. The birds were released on site. Investigator Willie Almagro responded to assist.
Monroe County
- The FWC was called in to assist Monroe County Sheriff’s Office in response to a crane that had toppled into the water at Mile Marker 98, Key Largo. Investigator Mattson (FWC dive team member) assisted the MCSO dive team in recovering the victim trapped under the crane and provided top side support. MCSO is investigating the incident.
- Officer Daniel Jones and Lieutenant Roy Payne were on land patrol in Monroe County when they observed a commercial vessel heading to Marathon. They conducted a resource inspection on the vessel and found 45 undersized stone crab claws (the lower claw measurement was under the 2 7/8-inch requirement). One of the subjects aboard the vessel was issued a notice to appear for the violation pertaining to stone crab restrictions on size and on transport and possession of stone crab. The other two subjects aboard the vessel were issued warnings for the same violation.
- Officers Justin Salazar and Miguel Espinosa patrolled Monroe County waters from Whale Harbor Station to the Miami-Dade County line and assisted Officers Daniel Edge and John Sturgeon with a BUI investigation in Key Largo. Afterwards, Officer Salazar supplemented a U.S. Coast Guard Station Islamorada small boats’ search of Blackwater Sound in response to a flare sighting. It was eventually determined the flare was fired from land.
- Officers Salazar and Espinosa responded to a call for service in Key Largo regarding anglers harvesting undersized snapper. Upon arrival, officers observed two men fishing. A marine fisheries inspection revealed multiple undersized gray snapper hidden in a mesh bag underwater. The men were also fishing without saltwater fishing licenses. Both men were cited for possession of undersized gray snapper and for fishing without saltwater fishing licenses. Later that day, Officers Salazar and Espinosa were on water patrol in Snake Creek. The officers conducted a vessel stop in Snake Creek and determined the vessel operator to be impaired. The vessel operator was arrested for BUI.
- Officer Daniel Jones along with Officer Matt Williams and Lieutenant Roy Payne were on water patrol in Cow Key channel and observed numerous violations associated with derelict and at-risk vessels. Officers met with a vessel owner and conducted six vessel inspections and determined all six were derelict vessels. The vessel owner informed officers he would rent out a few of the vessels, either monthly or for an Air BnB. After conducting a livery inspection, officers cited the vessel owner with a total of 23 misdemeanors and one warning, consisting of six derelict vessel charges, and 17 livery violations.