Share input on management of the recreational spotted seatrout fishery

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

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Dec. 14, 2018

Suggested Tweet: Share your input on recreational spotted #seatrout fishery with @MyFWC: #Florida #fishing 

Share input on management of the recreational spotted seatrout fishery 

seatrout in net

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is gathering input on management of the recreational spotted seatrout fishery. You can share your input by taking an online survey at Your input will help FWC better understand the public’s satisfaction and desires related to this popular recreational fishery. 


Spotted seatrout is managed in Florida in four unique zones across the state (Northwest, Southwest, Southeast and Northeast). 

The status of the seatrout populations within each zone is assessed using a measure of population health known as the Spawning Potential Ratio. Research indicates seatrout populations should be kept to at least 20 percent SPR to maintain a sustainable population. The FWC manages spotted seatrout at a higher management goal of 35 percent SPR to provide a better fishery. 

In 2017, staff held a series of workshops related to a draft spotted seatrout assessment. The final assessment results were released in 2018 and suggest the Southwest and Southeast zones are exceeding the FWC’s management goal. The Northeast and Northwest zones are not meeting the 35 percent SPR management goal and may benefit from some management actions. 

The results of the survey will be brought to a Commission meeting in early 2019.

management zones map

Management zones graph

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