August 4, 2018: Ridge Rangers complete the planting of 250 native scrub plants along the first of three irrigation lines. Tank & tower in the background providing plenty of water for the new plants!
 August 25, 2018: Ridge Rangers work along the second irrigation line, planting another 250 native scrub plants.
 A fisheye lens shows some of the area planted on August 4, including a Blazing Star (Liatris sp.) that just sprouted a flower stalk and went into bloom!
FWC and the Ridge Rangers have begun the habitat restoration
of a former citrus grove at the Royce Unit (near Lake Placid), starting with a one-acre
site which will have 750 native scrub plants, all under irrigation for one year.
The first 500 plants are in the ground and doing great, and to complete the
project we’ve got just one more planting of 250 on September 8 ... looking for help!
See https://outreach.myfwc.com/event/RoyceSeptember2018