Hale Senior Activity Center
Week of March 6-10
The Hale Senior Activity Center offers a variety of programs, classes, monthly luncheons, trips, social events, educational seminars, support groups, and services for older adults. Find something new for you or a loved one.
Do you know someone that would be a great candidate for Dunedin's Senior Hall of Fame?
Each year, the City of Dunedin Committee on Aging inducts new members into the Dunedin Senior Hall of Fame which honors and celebrates older Dunedin residents who have made significant contributions to our community. Nominees must be at least 75 years or older, reside in Dunedin for 10+ years, and have donated their time and abilities to serving the community. Nomination forms are due by Friday, March 24.
Tuesday, March 7 10:00 am Free to attend Hale Senior Activity Center
Each year, scammers cheat unsuspecting consumers out of millions of dollars. While it's true that technology has opened up new opportunities for scammers, in reality the crooks use the same age-old tricks to get people to hand over money and personal information. In recognition of National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), an investigator with Pinellas County Consumer Protection will explain how scammers target their victims, how to spot a scam and what to do to avoid becoming a victim.
Dunedin Parks & Recreation
Hale Senior Activity Center 330 Douglas Avenue Dunedin, FL 34698 727-298-3299 dunedinrecreation@dunedinfl.net