Spring 2019
 The town of Palatka, a hub for several paddling and multi-use trails, celebrated its Trail Town designation April 5 at the St. Johns River Center. Florida State Parks Director Eric Draper and Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) Northeast Florida Regional Coordinator Donald Morgan joined Palatka city officials and trail organizers at the event.
“Palatka’s recent designation as a Florida Trail Town has created a renewed focus and optimism on the economic revitalization of the downtown business district for merchants and property owners,” said Palatka’s Trail Town Committee Chair Robbi Correa.
Vice Chair Kraig McLane added, “This is a wonderful opportunity to assist trail users and tourists, and to help our businesses provide services.”
At the southern end of the state, Everglades City held a Trail Town event April 27 at the Everglades Museum. It was also the museum's 21st anniversary. Everglades City is a gateway to the Ten Thousand Islands and an important hub for several paddling trails, including the 1,515-mile Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail.
Howie Grimm is the Mayor of Everglades City. “Our small island town situated in the middle of the greater Everglades area has many amenities for both our residents and visitors, including a city park, a museum, restaurants, lodging, a hardware store, grocery store and historic buildings dating back to the 1920s,” he said. “We are a bikeable and walkable community with kayak and canoe rentals and guided tours. Having the Florida Trail Town designation will only enhance our efforts to provide the best possible experience for our visitors.”
Mayor Grimm and other town officials and trail advocates were joined by Florida Parks Director Eric Draper, OGT South Florida Regional Coordinator Katie Bernier, and Florida Greenways and Trails Council Chair Becky Afonso at the celebration.
 By Eric Draper, Director of Florida State Parks
The enthusiasm at the recent Palatka Trail Town celebration amazed me. The venue was the terrific St. Johns River Center, and the turnout was one of the largest I have seen. Local business owners showed up to celebrate the customers and traffic the trail town designation brings. Palatka earned the Florida Trail Town designation with a remarkable partnership between local governments, businesses and long-term trail advocates. Local trail champions like Kraig McLane, Sam Carr and Linda Crider held a vision of what their community could be, and they pursued it.
The Bartram Trail is an anchor trail in Palatka, and it’s one of Florida’s unique trails. Bicyclists, paddlers and walkers can follow botanist William Bartram’s journey through Florida in the 1700s. It’s an unforgettable experience to cross the same ground and see the same sights as this early interpreter of natural Florida.
Ravine Gardens State Park, a stop on the Bartram Trail, holds an early example of how ecotourism and outdoor recreation can vitalize a community. During the Great Depression, local businessman Thomas Byrd Gillespie was looking for ways to bring new visitors to the town. He began advocating for the construction of natural gardens that would draw tourists. Gillespie’s idea caught on, and the gardens became one of Palatka’s central attractions, eventually joining the state park system.
In the nearby agricultural community of Hastings, people celebrated the opening of a new section of the Palatka-to-St. Augustine State Trail. At the ribbon-cutting for the new section, I saw tremendous energy from residents and visitors. A local barbecue was open for the event and there were many eager customers. The sight reminded me that business owners have good reason to be excited about trails.
After the ribbon-cutting, I got on my bike and rode the trail. It was the third part of the St. Johns River-to-Sea Loop that I’ve ridden.
 Though still repairing damage, most Florida State Parks have reopened in some capacity in the wake of Hurricane Michael. They include St. George Island, Torreya, Three Rivers, Falling Waters and the launch area of St. Joseph Peninsula State Park. The campground at St. Andrews State Park is being reopened 30 sites at a time, so this is good news for paddlers on the Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail.
Contract crews funded by the Department of Environmental Protection's Division of State Lands have been clearing log jams on the Chipola River and Econfina Creek paddling trails. Marianna and the surrounding area hopes to re-establish itself as a recreational hub that is enjoyed by paddlers and other users.
Some state parks, such as in the Keys, are still recovering from Hurricane Irma. The campground at Long Key State Park remains closed with some primitive campsites likely opening by mid-summer. In other news, Hugh Taylor Birch State Park now has a floating dock along the Intracoastal Waterway that is accessible to paddlers on the Circumnavigational Trail.