SY 2024-25 School Health Profiles (SHP) – LEA Early Access
For the 2024-25 school year, the School Health Profiles (SHP) will be administered from Wednesday, Jan. 15 through Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. From now until Jan. 15 when the SHP application launches for school-level users, all LEA-level users who hold the appropriate roles (e.g., LEA Head of School, LEA Data Manager, School Health Profile Point of Contact [POC]) should continue pre-filling data for schools and consulting with schools to ensure that school-level SHP points of contact are updated via the All Staff application. All users must use the same email address added in the All Staff application to create a new user profile to log in.
Please review this recording that explains how to use the application, how to get access and important steps LEA data managers can take to help schools navigate these changes and submit the SHP by the Feb. 14 deadline.
Key Dates:
Wednesday, Jan. 15: SHP Application Launches for School-Level Users
Monday, Feb. 3: OSSE Support Tool (OST) Deadline
Friday, Feb. 14 by 11:59 p.m.: SHP Data Submission Deadline for School-Level Users
Tuesday, Feb. 18 by 5 p.m.: SHP Data Certification Deadline by LEA Heads of School
The questionnaire, recording of the LEA webinar and other resources for the 2024-25 school year are available on the OSSE Healthy Schools Act website. If you have any questions, please contact Norah Khalil at OSSE.SchoolHealth@dc.gov.
Mandated Behavioral Health Training Modules (reminder)
Users have reported technical difficulties accessing and completing Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) mandated trainings. DBH is working with their contractor Kognito to problem solve and resolve these issues. Given the technical challenges, DBH will wait until Jan. 31 to obtain the module completion compliance data to report for the current two-year compliance period. District law mandates that all public and public charter school teachers, principals, and staff employed by childcare providers complete a behavioral health training once every two years (DC Law 14-56; DC Official Code § 7-1131.17(b)(1)). For additional information or assistance, you may send an email to Dr. Charneta C. Scott at Charneta.Scott@dc.gov.
Inclement Weather Instructional Days Reminder
With the potential for inclement weather every winter, please remember that OSSE does not view snow days as extraordinary operational conditions necessitating a waiver from the instructional day requirements. If a school chooses to close and not provide instruction due to inclement weather, and the closure causes the total number of instructional days to fall below 180 days, the school must add instructional days to the remainder of its school calendar to ensure that at least 180 the days of instruction are provided in the 2024-25 school year .
We encourage schools to be prepared to transition to situational distance learning. Every school that routinely provides in-person learning has a “bank” of five distance learning days that can be used at its discretion. These days cannot be built into the school calendar at the beginning of the school year, as they are strictly intended for managing unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather. School leaders do not need advance approval from OSSE to use one of their five banked days but are to note these modifications as they occur in eSchoolPLUS.
For more information, please visit OSSE’s attendance policy and guidance webpage. You may also email OSSE at osse.calendarwaivers@dc.gov with any questions.
Revised Model Policies: School Safety Omnibus Amendment Act (reminder)
The School Safety Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018 requires District schools to adopt policies and procedures to prevent and address sexual abuse and acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and dating violence. Under this law, District schools must have two policies that, (1) prevent and address student sexual abuse by school staff (DC Code § 38–951.02) and (2) prevent and address student-on-student acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and dating violence (DC Code § 38–952.02). In 2019, OSSE released two model policies for District schools and LEAs addressing the requirements under this law. OSSE recently reviewed and revised these model policies. These revisions primarily update citations to ensure alignment with the US Department of Education’s revised Title IX regulations.
LEAs may adopt the OSSE model policies as written or use them as a starting point when developing their own policies. Schools and LEAs that used the 2019 OSSE model policies are strongly encouraged to review the 2024 versions and ensure their policies are up to date. A description of the revisions and the two model policies are available on the OSSE website.
As a reminder, this law also requires schools and LEAs to perform due diligence regarding potential, current and former staff (DC Code § 38–951.03), prohibits assisting certain employment of a perpetrator of child sexual abuse offenses (DC Code § 32–1131.02) and requires schools to provide age- and developmentally appropriate academic instruction on consent, setting and respecting boundaries and developing and maintaining healthy relationships (DC Code § 38–824.02(b-2)). Schools and LEAs are strongly encouraged to routinely review this law and Title IX and consult their legal counsel to ensure all parts are met.
The revised 2024 model policies, as well as additional materials to support other parts of this law, are available on the OSSE website. Please direct any questions regarding the model policies to osse.schoolhealth@dc.gov.
Information Access for Military Recruiters (reminder)
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (as amended) requires LEAs to provide military recruiters with certain information and access to enrolled secondary students. Specifically, the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 7908) requires each LEA that receives funds under ESEA to comply with a request by a military recruiter for secondary students’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers, except in cases where a parent or guardian, or a student who has reached age 18, has opted out of providing such directory information. Additionally, ESEA section 9528 requires LEAs that receive ESEA funds to provide military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as they generally provide to postsecondary institutions or prospective employers. For example, if the school has a policy of allowing postsecondary institutions or prospective employers to come on school property to provide information to students about educational or professional opportunities, it must afford the same access to military recruiters. Additional information about these requirements is available here.
Register for Special Education Newsletter (reminder)
OSSE’s Office of Special Education has introduced the Special Education Newsletter to support LEAs with ongoing training and technical assistance. This newsletter provides information pertinent to all LEA Special Education Points of Contact (LEA SPED POCs) in carrying out their roles, including updates and reminders on special education requirements, data responsibilities, and monitoring activities.
To subscribe to receive the Special Education Newsletter, register here.
Homeless Education Program: McKinney-Vento Monthly Webinar Sessions (reminder)
OSSE’s Homeless Education Program has invited subject matter experts to present on a variety of topics that impact students and families experiencing homelessness. These 1-hour monthly webinars are available to LEA and school employees, homeless liaisons, and community partners. Presentations are scheduled each month from November 2024 through May 2025. The registration links for the January and February 2025 webinars are below.
Date: Wednesday, Jan. 8 Time: 10:30-11:30 a.m. Presenters: Catholic Charities and DHS Office of Migrant Services Register: forms.office.com/g/rL3sNft12M
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 12 Time: 10-11 a.m. Presenters: OSSE’s Post-Secondary and Career Education/DC TAG Register: forms.office.com/g/NX6BFPvJYQ
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For any additional questions or technical assistance, please contact Tasheen Stallings at Tasheen.Stallings@dc.gov.
FY24 ESSER Annual Reporting: Phase I Opening in January (reminder)
Each year, the US Department of Education (USED) requires all state education agencies (SEAs) and LEAs that receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to complete annual performance reporting (APR).
The fiscal year 2024 (FY24) data collection for LEAs receiving ESSER funding will also occur in three phases through the Integrated Data Submission (IDS) Portal.
The Phase I data collection will take place between Jan. 13 and Jan. 24, 2025. There are no changes to the Phase I data collection from last year. We plan to communicate the collection windows for Phases II and III prior to the opening of Phase I.
For questions or additional information about ESSER reporting, please contact the OSSE ESSER Team at OSSE.ESSER@dc.gov.
January 2025